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Can a Small Business Owner Do It All Themselves?

By: Gemma Moss


Startup small business entrepreneur serious young Asian woman small business owner sitting in fron of laptop on wooden table, she's leaning forehead against her hand in frustration in business.

If you own your own small business, you might be tempted to think that you can take on everything by yourself. Depending on the scale of the business, you might be able to do so. However, it is also likely that you might need some help on the way. Let’s take a look at whether it is possible for a small business owner to do it all by themselves.


First of all, the question of expertise always has to be raised. Though you might know your way around your industry without an issue, you do need to consider some of the many other aspects of running a business. For example, it is always worth consulting a lawyer who specialises in the complexities of employment law, in order to ensure that you have the right grasp of all relevant legal matters before and during your time as an employer. You can read more here to learn more about the benefits of working with a dedicated employment law specialist.

While a business owner will have to wear many hats, it is rare that we find an individual who is a great seller, marketer, solicitor, accountant and more all tied up into one. You might be able to find some people to help you out in-house, others might be outsourced, but it is always a good idea to look for help and expertise if you need it.


We all have only so much time in the day. An individual might also have more commitments than just those the business offers. For example, you might have to meet the demands of family life or could even have another job alongside the business.

If you feel like you never have enough time to properly deal with the business, you need to find help from somewhere. A good employee should be able to relieve much of the pressure you are feeling. You should feel comfortable being able to step away from the business knowing that everything will continue to run smoothly – no matter what.


You no doubt chose to start your own business because you had a burning passion for that particular area. However, if you take on too much all on your own, you can run the risk of burning out. There are going to be times when running the business is incredibly difficult. However, you need to make sure that you are not going to exert yourself too much to the point where you could even dread running the business.

Your passion always needs to be kept alive. For this reason, it is often not advisable for you to handle everything on your own. Reaching out for the help of another could be key in maintaining a positive mental outlook for you and to keep you focused on the needs and successes of your business.

Can a small business owner do it all? Some certainly can. However, you need to watch to ensure that you are not taking too much onto your plate all at once. If you feel like you need some help, you are certainly going to be able to find it. With the aid of others, you will hopefully be able to build your business into a success.

Published: January 11, 2021

gemma moss

Gemma Moss

Gemma Moss is a professional blogger and writer. She frequently writes content for a variety of niches, including small business.

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