The Internet of Things, or IoT, refers to a network of appliances, gadgets and electronics which connect to the internet in order to share information and data between sources. The vast network, which allows devices to be controlled by other machines, was first introduced in the late 1990s and since then, tech savvy millennials have been making the most of the innovative technologies.
But it’s not just those who are tuned into the tech world that are embracing these changes, with 94% of the businesses using IoT already seeing a return on their investment. IoT solutions can help to improve a business’s efficiency and effectiveness whilst also minimizing the chance of human error.
As devices become more and more advanced, and experts predict that the IoT will only continue to rapidly grow in years to come, there a number of large-scale influential IoT projects that we can expect to see unfold throughout 2019.
Voice Technology
Most of us are familiar with voice technology—whether we’re asking our smartphone for weather updates or we’re asking our virtual technology assistants to answer internet search queries. Whilst we may not use voice technology on a day-to-day basis, it’s fair to say that we have a general understanding of what it does and when it can be used.
However in 2019, that is all set to change. IoT projects that use voice-led operating systems are about to take over all aspects of your life, including your daily drive to work. Whilst some major manufacturers have already taken steps forward, you can expect that by 2019, most car manufacturers will be waving goodbye to the traditional and outdated dashboard and upgrading to an interactive system that utilizes voice technology.
Gone are the days where you would have to try and change radio stations or enter a destination into your sat-nav manually, with voice technology you can operate without having to take your eyes of the road, making it much safer for all drivers.
It’s not just the automotive industry that is embracing IoT projects that use voice technology. You can now adjust the temperature of your home, turn on the lights and play your favorite music without having to leave your seat, simply just speak to your virtual home assistant!
Smart Cities and Smart Homes
Some cities have already started to support IoT development projects, and in the coming years we can expect that all major cities across the world will be doing the same. Smart waste management is a great example of cities using IoT devices to optimize space and increase overall efficiency and cleanliness in urban areas.
Innovative technologies communicate with each other to notify the appropriate personnel that a certain waste bin needs collecting or emptying before it begins to overflow onto the streets. There are a number of different IoT projects in place that aim to improve efficiency, and these developments are expected to become universally popular within the following years.
Another great example of an IoT project in practice is smart meters, which digitally send meter readings to your energy supplier so that your usage can be monitored and managed. Smart meters give homeowners the power to understand their energy usage and therefore minimize it to both save money and lower their negative environmental impact. If you don’t already have a smart meter, then it won’t be long before your energy supplier is pestering you to upgrade.
Machine Learning
Machine learning IoT projects help devices and brands to collect a vast amount of data that indicates user experience, patterns and habits. You may not even realize that your gadgets are monitoring your activity, but everything from your office coffee machine to your industrial displays are gathering information about user experience and responding accordingly.
Machine learning is extremely helpful to businesses that rely on customer experience in order to increase operating efficiency, and this is why so many businesses worldwide are now introducing machine learning IoT projects into their sales strategies.
IoT solutions lend themselves perfectly to a range of different industries, especially those in the retail and healthcare sector. In order to keep up to date with advancements, you should take a look at what is available on the market; there are IoT management projects to suit both your personal and business needs.