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Get Your Small Business Growing: Get Creative

By: Susan Solovic


As a history major, I understand the past is a great teacher. We learn from our experiences and they can serve as a solid base upon which to build. However, as they say, “If you keep doing the same things, you’ll keep getting the same results.” And in today’s dynamic, rapidly changing marketplace, you’ve got to be willing to shake things up a bit.

Change Your Routine
To get your creative juices flowing, start by changing your routine. Have you ever been driving somewhere and suddenly realized you’ve zoned out and are functioning on auto-pilot? That happens in our businesses too. That’s because most of us do basically the same scheduled routine everyday. Try adding something new to your life. It can be something as simple as taking a new route to work or it might be as daring as taking up skydiving. Pulling yourself out of the rut of life, allows your mind to engage in new ways. It sort of wakes up your brain cells and helps you gain new perspectives.
Start an “Idea” Book
I don’t know about you, but I often come up with great ideas for my business in the middle of the night or other odd times. Unfortunately, if I don’t write them down so they are soon forgotten. So buy yourself a small notebook and keep track of those ideas. Encourage your staff to do the same. Then dedicate a staff meeting or group gathering to share your thoughts. Have fun with it and make everyone feel safe about sharing. You never know when someone may have the ground-breaking “crazy” idea that could be a home-run for your business.
Carve out “Thinking” Time
What time of day are you the most creative? For me it is in the early morning. Dedicate time in your schedule for creative thinking. You may have to remove yourself from your normal work environment so you won’t be interrupted. But if you don’t schedule the time, most likely it will never happen.
Don’t think you are a creative type? Nonsense. All of us are creative in unique ways. Creativity is the ability to think in new ways. So whether you are inventing a new medical breakthrough or improvising something with your children, you are thinking creatively. In today’s competitive business world, if you aren’t constantly innovating you’ll wind up as yesterday’s news.
Tapping into your creativity and that of your team can help you start the new year with revved up energy. As Franklin Roosevelt said, “Happiness is not the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.”
This article was originally published by Susan Solovic
Published: December 12, 2013

a woman

Susan Solovic

Susan Wilson Solovic is an award-winning serial entrepreneur, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Amazon.com and USA Today bestselling author, and attorney. She was the CEO and co-founder of SBTV.com—small business television—a company she grew from its infancy to a million dollar plus entity. She appears regularly as a featured expert on Fox Business, Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, CNBC and can be seen currently as a small business expert on the AT&T Networking Exchange website. Susan is a member of the Board of Trustees of Columbia College and the Advisory Boards for the John Cook School of Entrepreneurship at Saint Louis University as well as the Fishman School of Entrepreneurship at Columbia College. 

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