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How to Find Work in the Remote Economy–Think Like a Solopreneur

By: Brian Wallace


Let Go of These Things to Become a Successful Solopreneur

If you have lost your job because of COVID-19, you may feel as though there’s nothing you can do until the economy is back up and running on all cylinders. Fortunately, that’s not the case.

As more companies move their business to a remote setup, they are finding that a remote workforce means a wider pool from which to pull talent. Now, even if you aren’t in the same geographic location as a company you want to work for, you have a great shot than ever at finding remote work. And as a remote worker in your own home office, you’re effectively working like a solopreneur.

Before the pandemic, just over 5% of workers worked remotely full time, while 29% worked remotely at least some of the time. Today nearly half of the workforce has transitioned to remote work in the United States, while some estimates say that 70% of workers could work remotely at least some of the time by 2025.

Remote work is the new normal right now for those fortunate enough to be able to do their jobs from home. The perfect combination of economics, technology, and work/life balance have been behind the shift toward remote work, and thankfully for many of us the technology is already there to be able to do our jobs remotely.

This also means that finding a job in the pandemic is far from impossible. As companies adjust to the idea of a fully remote workforce, they will also be more open to recruiting and training a remote workforce.

Companies large and small are offering remote work opportunities, from Dell to American Express to Amazon and more. Even Google and Facebook have announced a shift toward online interviews during the hiring process. Bookkeeping, K-12 education, graphic design, translation, and more are areas where the demand is currently growing fastest, but there are remote jobs available for many fields right now.

In order to prepare for your jobs search, you have to go through many of the same steps you would under normal circumstances – polish up your resume and social media presence. When you do land an interview, dress the part, show up on time, and put your best foot forward just as you would for any other interview, but it’s also crucial to test your technology before you get started to ensure everything is working correctly.

It’s time to start looking for your next remote job, remotely. Learn more about finding remote work in the age of COVID-19 below!

How To Find Work In The Remote Economy

Published: June 1, 2020

Source: Nine2Five

Brian Wallace

Brian Wallace

Brian Wallace is the Founder and President of NowSourcing, an industry leading infographic design agency based in Louisville, KY and Cincinnati, OH which works with companies that range from startups to Fortune 500s. Brian also runs #LinkedInLocal events nationwide, hosts the Next Action Podcast, and has been named a Google Small Business Advisor for 2016-2018.

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