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Doing More Deliveries During Business Lockdowns? Here’s How to Choose the Right Size Trailer

Blue trailer for a car. Close-up of a trailer side with arches without an awning. Outdoor car dealer site. Sale of trailers for cars. Selective focus. Without people

If you’re new to hauling or have an unconventional shipment, then you probably want to know how to figure out the right trailer measurement. A too-small trailer prevents you from safely shipping everything at once while a larger one is more expensive. Not only that, but it depends very much on what you’re hauling and what trailer you need. This will cover the more common sizes to help you determine which is best.

Trailer Types and Sizes

One of the most common trailers is the cargo trailer. These are lightweight and aerodynamic. They reduce fuel cost and are usually affordable. When it comes to width, the most popular size is about five to seven feet while the length is usually between 12 to 24 feet.

Utility trailers are open and good for loading tools, oddly-sized cargo and construction or landscaping materials. When it comes to width, the most popular sizes are four, six and seven feet wide. In terms of length, about 12 to 18 feet in length are most popular.

There are also auto trailers. These are good if you need to relocate your car. These trailers are often about the same size as your car, so it depends on what you’re hauling.

Liquid Transport Trailer

While most trailers are made for transporting solid objects, sometimes you’ll need to transport something liquid. This is most often chemicals like gasoline or petroleum, but it can also be water. Unlike the other trailers where you consider the overall measurement, liquid transportation requires knowing the volume.

This is a slightly different procedure that is somewhat harder. Not only that, but you must know if the volume changes during transport. Be sure to calculate this and get the exact measurement that you need. If you remember to check for volume, then you’ll be just fine.

Size of Storage

Getting the biggest trailer might seem like a good idea. This would let you haul a tremendous amount of cargo and you’ll be prepared for any job. The problem is that you need to store the trailer when it’s not in use. Make sure that you have the available space to store this trailer because it won’t be running all the time.

Weight Limits

Some newer drivers think size is everything, but there’s more to choosing the right trailer than that. You also need to consider the weight limit. If you go above the weight limit, then you can seriously damage the trailer and even hurt yourself or others. Don’t forget this crucial aspect when checking out trailers. Sometimes you’ll need to get a trailer that’s somewhat larger or more rugged for your specific load. Ask about this whenever you’re at trailer rental locations.

Since this is so important, most companies will outright tell you how much the trailer can move. Keep this in mind and don’t forget the figure when taking on future jobs.


Each state has its own regulations when it comes to how much you can haul and how long the trailer can be. They might even specify that certain sizes need to be used with specific types of cargo. Be sure to brush up on state regulations whenever you’re hauling something different or looking for new trailers.

You’ll also want to check state regulations whenever you’re delivering to another state. What is perfectly fine in one state might be a problem in another. Just keep this in mind when selecting a trailer and you’ll be fine.


Choosing the right trailer size depends on many factors that you must consider when looking for a new or used model. If you follow all these steps, then you should have the right one for your needs.

Published: March 31, 2020

jamshed chaudhary

Jamshed Chaudhary

Jamshed Chaudhary began writing as a professional on his personal blog and then discovered his true calling, which is writing about technology, news, and gadgets in general. He is a technical writer, author, and blogger since 2010. An industry watcher who stays on top of the latest features, he’s extremely passionate about juicy tech news and everything related to gadgets.

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