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7 Top Secrets to Growing a Business With Less Stress

By: Jeremy Bowler


Happy business woman or female accountant having some minutes for coffee and pleasure at working place.

Every entrepreneur wishes there was a fool-proof formula to success. If success was as simple as taking steps A, B, and C, then everyone would do it.

Naturally, it’s more complicated than that. As a small business owner, you’ll know the struggle of trying to grow it.Image Credit: Foundry from Pixabay

With the various running parts that you’ll need to juggle, it’s easy to see why many entrepreneurs are overwhelmed. Part of that involves knowing how to grow your small business.

While every business owner can grow their company to a certain extent, they often find that they’ll reach a plateau. Though revenues and profit could be noticeable, they could be higher.

Pushing past this part can be difficult for many people, however. If you’ve found yourself in this position, then you mightn’t know what to do.

While there are countless strategies you can use, you can rest assured that much of your competition is doing the same thing. Knowing some of the secrets to growing your small business can be helpful.

There are more than a few that you could use and benefit from. Your small business will be all the better for it.

7 Secrets to Grow Your Small Business With Minimal Stress

  1. Hire the Right People

As a small business owner, you’ll have multiple assets. As important as all of these are, some of these are more vital than others.

Your employees may be the most crucial. Naturally, they’re involved in all parts of your company. You’ll need to ensure that they’re doing their job properly.

Hiring the best team possible for your company is vital to its growth. Without it, you won’t have a foundation to grow from.

Multiple aspects can affect this, such as your hiring budget. Ensuring you hire the best person you can, however, is vital.

While doing this may mean stretching out the hiring process somewhat, it can be more than worth it long-term.

  1. Outsource When You Can

Outsourcing has been one of the more prevalent business processes in recent years. It involves using a third-party contractor or company to perform specific tasks for you.

These can be spread across multiple areas, such as:

You might wonder why you should consider outsourcing some of your core business duties. There are several reasons.

Not only can it be more affordable than hiring a traditional employee, but you’ll get access to more expertise. The tasks you outsource can be done more efficiently.

That can help you optimize your business more than you’d think. With how affordable such third-party companies are, it’ll be a cost-effective way of doing so.

  1. Be Adaptable

Adaptability and flexibility are vital traits to have when you run a company. As a small business owner, you’ll be in a better position to do this than a much larger firm.

Being able to change quickly means that you can respond to changes in the market effectively. These can happen more than you’d think.

If you’re set in your ways, you wouldn’t be able to respond in a timely manner. Customers will flock to those that do adapt.

Testing different approaches to obtaining customers and generating revenue is recommended. Once you do, you can find the best path forward for your company.

While this can take time and effort – and even some ‘wasted’ money – it can be more than worth it. You should keep this in mind as you grow; being as adaptable as possible long-term lets you capitalize on opportunities as they pop up.

  1. Focus on Customer Experience

How your customers perceive you can make or break your business. Figuring out how to grow your small business means figuring out how to keep your customers happy.

The more positively they see your company, the more customers you’re likely to have. If customers have a positive experience with you, they’ll be likely to tell friends and families.

They could also spread the word on social media. That can be invaluable marketing for you. You’ll need to ensure that the customer experience is as positive as possible, however.

High-quality products are the tip of the iceberg with this. You should also personalize the process as much as possible.

With the data that your website and social media collect, doing this can be relatively easy.

  1. Don’t Forget to Network

Many entrepreneurs believe that they need to spend all their waking hours focusing solely on their business. That isn’t always the case.

Spending time away from the company is also recommended, provided you’re focusing on the right areas. Taking time to network can help your business more than you’d think.

It can offer several benefits, including:

  • Opportunity to meet new suppliers.
  • Get your company’s name in front of new people.
  • Learn from other people in your industry.

When you start networking, it’s tempting to see it solely as a way to advertise your company. While there are some opportunities for this, that’s not all that networking events focus on.

They also act as learning opportunities, alongside being a way to make new contacts. With this, you could see your company benefit in more ways than one.

  1. Think Ahead

One of the top secrets to growing your small business is to be as agile as possible. Many people believe that that means focusing solely on the short- to mid-term.

As a result, they could neglect the long-term. You shouldn’t do this. Thinking ahead is vital to growing your company; you’ll need to know where you’re going.

That doesn’t mean that you’ll need to be rigid in your approach to these. Once you know your long-term goals, you can better plan your short- and mid-term plans.

Planning out several steps in advance – alongside having contingencies in place – will help you get to your goals. You’ll be working toward something, so you can then measure your efforts toward it.

Taking this approach also lets you review ongoing contracts to ensure that they meet your mid- to long-term goals.

  1. Invest in Yourself

When your company starts making money, it’s tempting to put this away ‘for a rainy day.’ The logic behind this is understandable, although it mightn’t be a recommended approach.

You could be making a relatively marginal profit; you mightn’t even be making a profit at all yet. However, you’ll need to be smart with the money that is coming in.

Every cent that your company makes should be put back into it, especially at the start. Investing in key business areas will be a vital component of your growth.

There’ll be multiple areas that you should focus on with this, such as:

  • Expanding your marketing efforts.
  • Attracting high-quality employees.
  • Securing additional funding.

While the investments you make in the beginning can be minimal, they can still help with your business growth.

Mistakes You’ll Need to Avoid To Grow Your Small Business

Part of knowing how to grow your small business involves knowing what kind of mistakes you should avoid. There are more of these than you might be aware of.

If you’re a first-time entrepreneur, you’re at risk of making them. Even experienced business owners can make some of the top mistakes in growing your small business.

While some can be minor, others can have a significant impact on your company. Though they can be seen as learning opportunities, the risk involved is often larger than the lessons you could learn.

Avoiding some of the top small business mistakes is vital. The largest of these include:

  • Not structuring your business the right way.
  • Not having a deep understanding of the market.
  • Trying to do everything yourself.
  • Working with friends instead of partners.
  • Spending too much, too quickly.
  • Not using the right technology and tools.

By avoiding each of the above – alongside many of the other common small business mistakes – is essential to grow your company. They can each be detrimental to your growth.

They could also risk the business itself. Put in the time to ensure that you don’t make them. By doing so, you should ensure that your company is on the right growth trajectory.

How To Grow Your Small Business: Wrapping Up

As an entrepreneur, you’ll need to know how to grow your small business. If you don’t, you could find your company hitting a plateau.

That’ll be seen in multiple ways, primarily with your customers, revenues, and profits. Getting these to an acceptable level is vital for your business to succeed.

Knowing the top secrets to grow your small business is vital. Adding in some of the better-recommended strategies and tips can be quite helpful.

When you’re doing so, you’ll need to ensure that you avoid making many mistakes. First-time business owners can make these quite easily.

By being informed and educated about the entire process, however, you can avoid that. The same can be said for any other aspect of your company.

Research and proper planning are integral to every part of your business. Make sure you spend time on it. Your company will thank you for it.

Published: February 28, 2022

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Jeremy Bowler

Jeremy Bowler is a full-time copywriter of five years specialising in business and finance. Jeremy graduated from the University of Chester with degrees in business accounting and finance. He's an avid traveler and has taught English in Nepal, Malaysia, and Japan and has produced copy for Neil Patel, Entrepreneur and Metro amongst many other high-end publications.

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