4 Top Tools for Effective Team Collaboration in the Workplace
By: Jane Donovan

Each of your employees brings something different to the table. Individually, they have a diverse background, education, skill set, and experience that makes them an asset to your organization.
Collectively, however, they can become a team that can work more efficiently to meeting and even exceeding company goals.
Be that as it may, effective team building in the workplace goes beyond just grouping people together. Businesses, managers, and/or human resource personnel must be willing to invest time, energy, money, and resources to cultivate authentic teams.
Along with assessing individual skills, assigning clear goals, objectives, and roles, and working to establish a positive connection between team members, higher-ups must provide their teams with the right tools to collaborate effectively. Below are just a few to consider.
Note Taking and Organization Tools
On a given workday, employees access (or are exposed to) tons of information. Teams need effective ways to sort through this information, take notes, generate ideas, and create strategies that will help them to complete necessary tasks. Fortunately, there are note-taking and organization applications that can be essential in helping your teams to collaborate and work more efficiently.
Such platforms allow teams to organize relevant information, brainstorm, share ideas, store notes, and eventually, turn these concepts into actionable steps that utilize everyone’s skills to complete a task or project. Easily synching on platforms including computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones, teams can collaborate from virtually anywhere.
Messaging and Video Conferencing Software
Team collaboration is nearly impossible without effective communication. In-person meetings can be an effective form of communication for teams but are not conducive for structures where teams work in different locations or remotely. Telephone calls can go hours or even days without being returned and emails can quickly get lost in the sea of the hundreds of other unread emails.
While each of these communication channels can still be used for teams, investing in messaging and video conferencing software can greatly enhance communications. Team messaging applications, for example, are great for everyday communication. Such applications allow teams to login to a central platform, create individual chats, or group chats, and get an instant response. Video conferencing software, particularly those with prebuilt video calling features, can be ideal for remote or long-distance teams that can’t do in-person meetings as often. These prebuilt solutions simplify the process of setting up and joining video calls, making them more accessible and efficient for team collaboration.
File Sharing and Document Creation Software
When collaborating on various tasks and projects throughout the workday, teams often need to have access to certain files and documents. When you have multiple people working on the same documents and accessing the same information, you want to ensure that everyone is working from the most current versions. You also want to ensure that your team has immediate access to whatever documents or files they need.
Trying to do this effectively through emails or in-house filing systems is efficient for today’s modern business environment. That’s why it is ideal for companies to invest in file sharing and document creation software or applications for their teams. Such platforms allow users to create, edit, share, and store files, images, documents, forms, and more in real-time.
Project Management Software
Seeing projects through from start to finish is a huge undertaking. Even with the most progressive teams, there can be a lot of miscommunication, disorganization, and slowed productivity. From creating a project and delegating tasks to monitoring budgets and keeping up with progress, things can quickly get out of hand.
Project management software can be effective for teams in a wide array of businesses and industries. Managers can essentially assign team members with access to the platform for up-to-date information on tasks, timelines, budgets, and progress. Such applications make it easier for managers to monitor the collaboration of teams for more effective output.
As the landscape of modern businesses continues to evolve, companies have learned to embrace the effectiveness of teams to achieve success. In developing the right team, it is equally necessary for businesses to invest in the necessary tools like those listed above to support their teams in being productive.