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19 Ways To Take Your Business Off The Grid

By: Jeremy Bowler


Financial Incentives of Going Green

The conversation around energy conservation, sustainability, and reducing the carbon footprint of your business has been gaining momentum in recent times. With the advent of renewable energies becoming increasingly affordable and accessible, many businesses are open to exploring solutions that allow them to go off the grid with their premises.

Here Are 19 Ways To Take Your Premises Off The Grid:

Photo by Burak The Weekender

  1. Install solar panels on your roof

A 100w portable solar panel is an excellent way to reduce your reliance on non-renewable sources of electricity and lower emissions created by burning fossil fuels. With efficiency levels increasing all the time, this is becoming an increasingly affordable and viable option for many businesses.

  1. Look into geothermal options

Geothermal heating systems use heat from beneath the earth’s surface to warm buildings during colder months and cool them down during summer. This is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and can also save you money in the long run.

  1. Replace old appliances with more energy-efficient models

Nowadays, most appliances are far more energy efficient than their predecessors. Replacing old fridges, dishwashers, and washing machines with newer models will help reduce your overall energy consumption and lower your bills as well.

  1. Turn off electronics when not in use

Even if you’re not using them, many electronic devices still draw power when plugged in. To save energy, make sure that all computers, printers, and other gadgets are turned off overnight or when they’re not needed for a period of time.

  1. Use motion-activated lighting

Motion-sensor lights are a great way to reduce energy consumption, as they only activate when required. This is also a great security measure that can save you money on electricity bills and help protect your premises from intruders.

  1. Upgrade your insulation

Poorly insulated buildings can lead to large amounts of heat being lost during winter or entering the building in summer, leading to higher energy costs. Make sure that roofs, walls and windows are properly insulated so that you don’t waste valuable energy trying to keep temperatures comfortable.

  1. Implement water-saving measures

Reducing water wastage at your business is another key factor in reducing your environmental impact. Installing low-flow showerheads, dual-flush toilets and rainwater harvesting systems are all ways to save water, reduce your bills and help the environment.

  1. Use LED lighting

LED bulbs use up to 90% less energy than traditional incandescent filament ones and last for much longer too. It’s a great investment that will help you reduce your electricity consumption as well as lower costs in the long run.

  1. Invest in renewable energy storage

With advances in technology, storing excess solar or wind-generated energy is becoming increasingly affordable and practical for businesses of all sizes. This can be used during peak periods when electric grids fail or prices spike, making it an ideal way to ensure continuous power supply without relying on outside sources.

  1. Go paperless

Reducing the amount of paper your business prints and uses is another great way to reduce energy consumption, costs and environmental impact. Implementing digital filing systems and using online communication methods can help you save money and go green at the same time.

Photo by Pixabay

  1. Install a green roof

Green roofs are an excellent way of reducing energy consumption in buildings by providing insulation and natural shade. They also help absorb rainwater, reduce air pollution, increase biodiversity and can even act as a mini-garden above your premises!

  1. Use renewable fuels to power machinery

In many cases, diesel or petrol-powered machines can be replaced with ones using renewable sources such as biofuels. This is especially true for forklifts, generators and other vehicles used on-site which require regular refueling.

  1. Introduce recycling initiatives

Setting up systems to recycle paper, plastic, glass, and other materials is another great way to lower costs and help the environment at the same time. You could even work with local recyclers and charities to make sure that the materials are reused in an ethical manner.

  1. Install a wind turbine

If your business is located in an area with good air currents, then investing in a small wind turbine can be a great way of reducing energy costs and helping the environment. Wind turbines can also act as a backup power supply during blackouts or peak times.

  1. Introduce composting

Composting organic materials such as kitchen scraps, paper and cardboard can help reduce waste sent to landfill, lower costs associated with disposal, and enrich soils in gardens or fields nearby. It’s also an excellent way of producing natural fertilizer, which can be used on-site!

  1. Utilize green cleaning products

Using chemical-free and eco-friendly cleaning products can help reduce your carbon footprint significantly by avoiding the use of hazardous materials. Look for suppliers who specialize in green solutions to ensure you’re doing your bit for the environment!

  1. Encourage employees to switch off appliances

It’s easy to forget to turn off lights, computers, and other electrical items when not in use. Encouraging employees to do so can reduce energy consumption drastically as well as save you money in the long run.

  1. Consider using alternative vehicles

Depending on the size of your premises, you may want to consider investing in electric or hybrid cars for deliveries or other vehicles used on-site which require regular refueling. This could lower emissions significantly and also save money at the same time! The quickest method for charging an EV is level 3, or DC charging. Your vehicle’s rapid charging an electric vehicle capability and power output will determine how long it takes to fully charge an EV (around 15 minutes to an hour).

  1. Research local incentives

Many local authorities offer grants and tax breaks for businesses who are looking to make their premises more energy efficient, so it’s worth looking into these options if you want to go off the grid. You can find out more information online or contact your local authority directly.

In Closing

Hopefully, these 19 ideas will help you take your business premises off the grid and reduce costs while protecting the environment too. By making small changes to your everyday practices and investing in the right technology, you can make a big difference to both your bottom line and the planet!a

Published: March 13, 2023

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Jeremy Bowler

Jeremy Bowler is a full-time copywriter of five years specialising in business and finance. Jeremy graduated from the University of Chester with degrees in business accounting and finance. He's an avid traveler and has taught English in Nepal, Malaysia, and Japan and has produced copy for Neil Patel, Entrepreneur and Metro amongst many other high-end publications.

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