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Making the Best of a Bad Situation: Covid-19

By: Jeremy Bowler


Post-covid-19 era concept. New phase and opportunity for humankind and individual persons after end of covid-19 pandemic. What will be after Covid-19?

COVID-19 has brought negativity into virtually every aspect of our lives, not least in business. As an entrepreneur, the threat to the very future of your company cannot be ignored. Despite the fact that the immediate sales opportunities are limited, it’s still possible to turn this situation into a productive one.

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In fact, there are several areas of the business that can be improved during this time. Here are some of the best ways to turn the negative into a positive.

Encourage Staff Development

Many of your employees will be left with very little work to do right now. Rather than putting them on furlough, why not use this as an opportunity to help them grow? A variety of staff training modules can be completed online through digital learning. Or, if you don’t want to head down the academic development path, team meetings can unite the team. Thanks to the lockdown, staff members will be more open to finding out more about their colleagues.

Whether it’s personal developments or team bonding, the benefits are huge.

Invest In Greener Endeavors

While the negatives of COVID-19 easily outweigh the positives, we have seen pollution levels fall. The impacts further underline the need to make your company more eco-friendly. Electronic recycling is one of the quickest ways to do this upon the resumption of normal service. The addition of more efficient equipment should be high on the agenda. Eco-friendly packaging allows you to go green in a way that impresses clients too.

Reduce the carbon footprint, and it should enhance your bottom line too.

Reach New Audiences

Effective marketing campaigns are important at all times, even when you can’t gain immediate sales. Right now, consumers are spending more time on their digital screens than ever before due to lockdown regulations. So, investing in a better Instagram or Facebook strategy makes a lot of sense. Other options include revamping your website design or SEO strategy. If it can grow your customer base ahead of the post-coronavirus boom, the effort will be worthwhile.

In addition to reaching new audiences, it can help cement loyalty from existing clients.

Reduce Financial Waste

Due to the fact that revenue is down, it’s imperative that overheads follow. The immediate steps can include getting commercial mortgage and business loan breaks. However, long-term operational savings are equally essential. Take the time to compare telecom providers, web hosting services, and energy companies. Changing to a new service may unlock a significant saving, especially when individual savings are combined.

Whether it’s the DIY or professional route, analyzing your accounts is another key step.

Improve Your Security

Businesses will feel more vulnerable than usual over the next year or so. Therefore, it’s vital that you take extra precautions to protect your brand. As well as physical security via CCTV and alarm systems, digital data protection is essential. If you have brainstormed ideas for new products during the lockdown, it’s important to patent or copyright them too. Your intellectual property could be the key to helping your business thrive over the coming months.

Whatever you do, don’t let COVID-19 force you to stand still. Or you will get left behind.

Published: April 10, 2020

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Jeremy Bowler

Jeremy Bowler is a full-time copywriter of five years specialising in business and finance. Jeremy graduated from the University of Chester with degrees in business accounting and finance. He's an avid traveler and has taught English in Nepal, Malaysia, and Japan and has produced copy for Neil Patel, Entrepreneur and Metro amongst many other high-end publications.

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