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How to Build Partnerships with Non-Profits

By: Lynda Bekore


two volunteers of animals shelter palming pug dogs

Establishing and growing strong, mutually beneficial relationships is essential for a company’s long-term success. If you build partnerships with non-profits, you can to position yourself as a force for social good in your community and reap various benefits.

Charitable partnerships involve companies and nonprofits working together toward shared goals. Common types of small business-nonprofit partnerships include corporate sponsorships, employee volunteering, cause marketing, and workplace giving programs.

Benefits of Partnerships With Non-Profits

By engaging in such partnerships, companies can enjoy improved talent acquisition, higher employee engagement, better employee retention, and enhanced brand reputation. Nonprofits also benefit from these collaborations, as they can raise more funds, reach a wider audience, and increase awareness of their causes.

To create a successful nonprofit partnership, companies should identify their partnership goals, research relevant nonprofits, consider the interests of their employees and customers, and draft a formal agreement. Promoting employee involvement and recognition is also crucial for sustaining the partnership over time.

Employee Engagement with Non-Profits

Here are some specific steps you can take to engage your employees in your nonprofit partnership:

  • Survey your employees to find out which causes they are most passionate about. This will help you identify nonprofits that align with your employees’ interests and increase their engagement.
  • Organize company-wide or team-based volunteer events that allow employees to directly contribute their time and skills to support the nonprofit’s work. This could include tasks like website design, legal counsel, or hands-on projects.
  • Encourage employees to serve as board members or provide pro bono services to the nonprofit partner. Offer to donate to the nonprofit for each hour an employee volunteers in this capacity.
  • Set up workplace giving opportunities like donation matching, payroll deductions, or in-kind donation drives to make it easy for employees to contribute financially.
  • Provide regular updates to employees on the impact of their contributions, whether it’s the number of books distributed, meals served, or animals rescued through the partnership.
  • Recognize and celebrate employee participation through eCards, social media shoutouts, team events, or other forms of acknowledgment.
  • Communicate the shared goals and values behind the partnership to help employees understand the purpose and importance of their involvement.
  • Solicit employee feedback on the partnership and incorporate their suggestions to make the experience as meaningful and rewarding as possible.

The key is to make the partnership highly visible, accessible, and rewarding for your employees so that they feel invested in the nonprofit’s success and your company’s positive impact.

Published: September 18, 2024

photo of a woman

Lynda Bekore

Lynda Bekore is Editor-in-Chief of SmallBizClub.com, a division of Tarkenton Companies. She is an experienced media and marketing professional, with previous positions at Simon & Schuster, Hearst, and SiriusXM. She's written for the NY Times, Huffington Post, and other major publications.

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