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6 Leadership Qualities That Lead to Success

Male lion: Highly distinctive, the male lion is easily recognized by its mane, and its face is one of the most widely recognized animal symbols in human culture.

When we talk about leadership traits, we refer to personal qualities that are defining the effective leaders. There is this common misconception that the best leaders in the world are simply naturally gifted. This is not actually the case. Just like all the other skills, leadership traits will be acquired with practice and time. Peter Kent Consulting mentions the following six as the most important traits the effective leader showcases:

Effective Communicators

In order to be a good leader, you have to be a perfect communicator. You need to concisely and clearly explain both solutions and problems. At the same time, it is really important to know exactly when you should talk and when you should listen. Remember that there are many types of communication and the top leaders use all of them effectively, ranging from email to one-on-one.

Accountability And Responsibility

A leader will always hold himself/herself accountable while taking responsibility for the mistakes that were made. Individuality will always be encouraged and supported while respecting organizational rules, policies, and structure. The people that do not take responsibility for the mistakes that they make and that are not showcasing accountability are not actually leaders.

A Focus On The Long-Term

A leader is usually a visionary. With this in mind, we can say that they are usually long-term thinkers. This is evident when looking at the quantifiable and concrete goals that are set. Leaders understand that change is inevitable and necessary in the modern business environment. You will always see them being ready, willing, and open to trying a new approach to improve processes or solve problems.


It is really important that you are self-motivated when you are a leader and that you keep going with the purpose of attaining goals, even if setbacks appear. In addition, the best leaders do all that they can to meet and then exceed expectations.


This is the one leadership trait that most people know about because practically all the good leaders are very confident. They can make very tough decisions and will be able to lead with authority. When you are confident, you can easily reassure and then inspire others. You can also encourage teamwork and establish open communication channels.

Emotional Stability

You cannot really be an effective leader if you do not exercise regulation and control over your own behavior. It is important for such an individual to be able to properly tolerate stress and frustration. When you cannot cope with any changes that happen in the environment and you have a very strong emotional reaction, it is a certainty that you are going to make huge mistakes.

Final Thoughts

The leadership traits we highlighted above are definitely very important but there are also others that can be highlighted. The truth is that there is no blueprint to creating a very good leader. You need to see what works in your case. This will take a lot of practice and perseverance. However, if you focus on the traits above, you have a very good starting point.

Published: November 23, 2020

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Andrew Simmons

Andrew Simmons is an experienced digital marketing consultant and passionate blogger. He has a vast knowledge on search media and online advertising to promote online branding and reputation. He loves to share his industry knowledge and experience with readers. Follow him on LinkedIn

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