Making more money is the obvious way to increase your bottom line, but just as you try to save when spending your personal budget, you want to save when spending, as well. Similar to using coupons for grocery and household items at home, looking for discounts and ways to save money during the daily course of business is essential to success.
There is no reason not to use coupons and special deals for business supplies.Whether you take advantage of “fill the bag” day at the local office supply store to get 20% off everything in the bag or clip paper towel, toilet paper, and coffee coupons to save on those types of things for your store or office, the savings will all add up in the long run.
Compare Online
Never make a big purchase without shopping around and comparing prices online. You may find that printer for $20 less and free shipping on another site or at another store. You may be able to use a discount code or earn cash back or gift cards by shopping through sites such as Ebates, My Points, or Swagbucks. These are all small steps and changes that take little time compared to the amount of money that could be saved. Even a few dollars each month could add up big by the end of the year.
Pre-Pay and Cash Discounts
Take advantage of discounts offered for paying early or paying in cash (as often as your cash flow will allow). It often costs money to pay on time rather than early. It certainly costs in fees to pay late, so be certain to at least pay on time if not early. If you can squeeze the cash flow for just a couple of months the savings could help loosen cash flow in the long run.
Biz2Credit offers help in finding solutions to cash flow problems that may hinder some of these savings practices. A business line of credit could allow you stock up on deals when you find them and pay things in a timely manner in order to take advantage of discounts or avoid late fees. In addition, our network of over 1,200 includes lenders that offer startup business loans, commercial equipment financing, and more to help you start and grow your business. Visit Biz2Credit.com today to get started.
This article was originally published by Biz2Credit
Published: February 24, 2014