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5 Things Entrepreneurs Must Understand About Trading to Plan for Retirement

By: Ryan Kidman


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There are a lot of exciting things about running a business, but financial planning is not one of them. Unfortunately, your long-term success is not going to be very good if you don’t save for retirement as a business owner. Sadly, 28% of people have not saved a penny for retirement and business owners are more likely to fall into this situation than most people.

Retirement planning is often the last thing on an entrepreneur’s mind when trying to build a business. However, learning to trade can pay big dividends in terms of retirement. This can be a much better option than putting your money into CDs.

We spoke with the founders of WeCopyTrade and they shared some things entrepreneurs need to know about trading so they can plan for retirement effectively.

1.     The Importance of Diversification

The most critical principle for anyone trying to be a successful trader is diversification. Most entrepreneurs hold a big portion of their net worth in their business.

While this shows a high level of confidence in your enterprise, it also exposes you to a ton of risks. Trading will give you the chance to diversify your risk by distributing your assets across different classes of financial instruments like stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. This will protect your portfolio if a single investment starts to perform poorly. This should be one of the most important things that you take into consideration when trying to create a trading strategy to save for retirement.

2.     The Role of Risk Management

Trading is inherently risky, and successful traders are smart at knowing how to manage that risk. The reason that only 1.6% of traders are successful is that so many don’t take the right risk management strategies.

Entrepreneurs should follow a disciplined approach which includes setting stop-loss orders and knowing when to exit trades. They also need to use good risk management strategies that involve determining how much capital to allocate to trading versus other investments. Remember, the goal isn’t to gamble but to grow your retirement savings steadily over time. This is why smart investors have started using services like WeMasterTrade to manage their risks more easily.

The earlier you start trading and investing, the more time your money has to grow through compounding. Compounding is when earnings from your investments are reinvested to create more earnings. Long-term focused entrepreneurs can use this to their advantage by reinvesting the profits of trading into their retirement funds for continued growth.

3.     Understand Market Trends and Economic Indicators

Trading requires knowledge of market trends and economic indicators that could affect the prices of assets. For example, interest rate fluctuations, inflation reports, and geopolitical tensions can impact stock and bond markets. An entrepreneur should be aware of such influences so that timely trading decisions are made to help achieve their retirement goals. William O’Neil, the author of How to Make Money in Stocks, says that 75% of the equation is determining the direction of the market. You can get everything else right and still lose a lot of money if you don’t understand the market direction.

4.     Utilize Tax-Advantaged Accounts

Tax-efficient trading can make all the difference in your retirement planning. Entrepreneurs should look into retirement accounts such as IRAs, 401(k)s, or whatever equivalents there are in their country. Most of these accounts come with significant tax advantages that allow your investments to grow either tax-free or tax-deferred to maximize the fruits of your trading efforts.

5.     The Difference Between Active and Passive Strategies

Trading can be active, like day trading, or passive, like long-term investing. Each entrepreneur has to consider his time, risk tolerance, and experience to see what is best for him. Active trading requires constant monitoring and is highly risky, while passive strategies, like those of investing in index funds, require much less effort with generally more stability.

Published: December 20, 2024

Ryan Kidman

Ryan Kidman is a startup-investor and serial entrepreneur. Founder of Catalyst For Business and contributor to search giants like Yahoo Finance, MSN. He is passionate about blogging and covering topics like big data, business intelligence, startups & entrepreneurship. Follow him on twitter: @ryankhgb

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