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3 Working Capital Tips for Your Small Business

Money is often tight for budding entrepreneurs. It is crucial that your hard-earned start-up money is not wasted, so make sure to keep in mind the working capital required for your small business to grow.

Initiatives, such as product development, take some time to produce revenue, but there are other expenses that you can calculate right away, based on benchmarks in the industry and other financial projections.
Here are some tips for improving your business’s cash flow and minimizing expenses:
1. Inventory
When your small business is still new, you don’t want to waste money on a huge inventory that you don’t necessarily need right away. Instead of stocking up on a ton of supplies, order them right before you need them, so that they arrive just in time. This way, you reduce the likelihood of overspending.
2. Payment Procedures
Always make an effort to bill your customers right after your small business has provided them with goods or services. This way, you ensure that the money you are owed arrives in as timely a manner as possible.
Further, consider staggering your own payments to vendors and suppliers, so you can minimize the amount of expenses leaving your small business at any one given time.
3. Planning Ahead
It is important to calculate your estimated business needs for the next 12 months, or even longer. Consider the upgrades your business might require, or the obstacles that it might encounter. Set aside working capital, so you can meet this year’s business goals while also preparing for next year.
This article was originally published by Biz2Credit
Published: February 13, 2014

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