Budgeting and Personal Finance
Retirement Plans for the Small Business Owner: The SEP Plan
Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) plans can provide a significant source of income at retirement by allowing employers to set aside money in retirement accounts for themselves and their employees. A SEP does not have the start-up and operating costs of a conventional retirement plan and allows for a contribution of up to 25 percent of each employee’s pay.
Retirement Plans for the Small Business Owner: The Solo 401k
Self-Employed individuals and owner-only (and the owner’s spouse) businesses and partnerships can save more for retirement through a 401(k) plan. The Self-Employed 401(k) allows you to take advantage of this increased retirement and tax savings opportunity with a full range of investment options.
Retirement Plans for the Small Business Owner: The SIMPLE Plan
Since there are so many people setting up individual LLC’s or home based side businesses, you need to keep a close eye out this time of year for setting up one kind of retirement plan, a SIMPLE IRA. The deadlines are just around the corner in the next few weeks, so could this be the right type of retirement plan for you?
Why Knowing Your Overhead Cost per Hour is Important
If your overhead is too high because of spending too much on extras and fancy offices, that can easily be resolved. However, if you’ve cut your overhead to the bone, then you must look other places.
7 Money-Saving Tips for Small Business
Money is one of the main ingredients in the recipe for success (or failure) of a small business. A necessary step in creating a budget you can stick to is finding the best ways to save money. You’ll be surprised to learn how simple some of these tips are to implement.
You Have to Understand Your Financials
Every business owner must understand and maintain their financial statements. By being unable to do so, many entrepreneurs get themselves into some major issues on so many fronts.
How to Get Great Business Travel Deals
Whether you’re a private consultant paying your own bills (and tracking carefully for tax write-offs) or working for a massive company, you are surely being urged from one source or another to scale back your business expenses.
Don’t Lose Profits: Pay Close Attention to Your Financial Documents
No business is designed to take losses. You would be hard pressed to find a small business owner that is setting out to lose money, and to not end up a successful business. Paying attention to profits can go a long way in helping a business, even if a profit does not seem likely all the time. Below are a few points to keep in mind when managing financial documents.
Money Tips: 10 Best Personal Finance Books of All Time
Money management is one of the most important skills a young person can develop. Unfortunately, many people lack even the most basic money management skills for one reason or another. The below books are a list that every 20-something should read.
Gross Margin Doesn’t Tell the Whole Story
Your financial report says that you’ve achieved a 35% gross margin on your latest project/job. Should you be happy? Maybe. Gross margin doesn’t tell the whole story.