Human Resources

What should I do with an inactive business?

If you do not plan to focus any efforts on the technology company’s business and it is not generating any residual or ongoing income, then we would agree with you that you should dispose of this company to eliminate the tax and regulatory filings and other administrative costs of maintaining the inactive corporation.


Is there a personality test I can take that quantifies or measures my traits and also can be used as a guide to hiring an individual?

You may have difficulty trying to identify an exact match; however, you can access testing tools to design a test that will give you a good indication of a personality match. Also, company policies and procedures and effective performance reviews can help develop employees into the type of worker you want them to be.

How can I do a background check on an individual, to see if they have a criminal record?

We assume that you are an employer seeking to do a background check on an employment applicant and we have provided information, considerations, and resources below. However, if you want to do a general criminal background check on an individual, you can use state and other online resources like the following examples…

Where could I find independent contractor sample contracts that are legit?

Converting workers you have treated as employees to independent contractor status is particularly risky when the workers will hold the same jobs as contractors as they did when they were classified as employees. Often such conversions will trigger IRS scrutiny and an employment tax audit.

Could you please advise me on how I should go about creating an employee handbook?

From a general business perspective, the number of employees, type and number of employee fringe benefit programs, and other factors influence the need for an employee manual. For example, the cost of an employee manual varies based on the number of company policies, type of employee fringe benefit programs, and amount of outside legal review required.

How do I go about attracting, finding, training and most of all being able to retain the right employees?

In general, there are no short cuts to recruiting, hiring and retaining good employees, and the process takes much more effort in low wage industries. These workers will quit any time a better opportunity comes along and, depending on the size of your workforce, you may spend as much or more effort recruiting new employees as you do looking for new clients.

What type of form do I need for people wanting to volunteer their services?

We do not know the types of activities these volunteers would perform for your business, but it is unusual for individuals to volunteer their services to for-profit businesses. It is more common for nonprofit organizations to utilize volunteers.

Adding a Business Owner?

It is common for entrepreneurs to bring in partners or employees to help manage and grow their businesses; however, there are a few different ways to structure these arrangements. For example, equity awards to key executives in small companies may be in the 5% to 10% range.

Overtime Pay Legal Considerations?

Whether an employee can work over 8 hours per day in your state and over 40 hours per week without overtime compensation will depend on whether the employee is subject to the minimum wage and overtime pay provisions of the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) or state law if it is more restrictive.

As an employer can I fringe benefit a voluntary benefit in order to reduce the employees’ tax liability?

We do not know the type of fringe benefit you plan to provide your employees or whether you intend to provide it to them on a pre-tax or post (after)-tax basis, but if your goal is to reduce your payroll tax liabilities and increase your employees’ take home pay, then you will need to provide the benefit on a pre-tax basis through a flexible benefit (Flex), or cafeteria plan.

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