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Reduce Risk by Segregating Assets in a New Entity

The Problem: Often business owners want to segregate valuable assets from potential adverse liabilities generated in the operation of a business. For example, a bakery will likely own: (1) equipment used in its operations; (2)…

Meals, Entertainment, and Transportation May Cost Businesses More Under the TCJA

Along with tax rate reductions and a new deduction for pass-through qualified business income, the new tax law brings the reduction or elimination of tax deductions for certain business expenses. Two expense areas where the…

Avoiding Cash Flow Problems

Poor cash flow can affect much more than the financial performance of your business. The non-financial costs of poor cash flow can have just as negative an impact on your business as the financial costs….

Small Business Tips: How to Expand Your Business

Congratulations on successfully starting your business! If you’re ready to take the next step, but don’t know exactly how to go about that, here are some ideas for thinking about growing your business. Turn your…

New Tax Law Gives Pass-Through Businesses a Valuable Deduction

Although the drop of the corporate tax rate from a top rate of 35% to a flat rate of 21% may be one of the most talked about provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs…

Real Estate and the Net Investment Income Tax and Self-Employment Tax

If you are planning or are actually doing a real estate business, either as an investor or as an active participant, you will have to deal with these: Net Investment Income Tax: If you have…

Family Business: Partnership Mergers

In any successful family business there will likely come a time when descendants will want to take over the business from the older generation of owners. Usually, this will require that entities will need to…

Corporate Separations Under §355

In any successful family business there will likely come a time when descendants will want to take over the business from the older generation of owners. Usually, this will require that entities will need to…

Working from Home? Claim Your Home Office Deductions

Some of us are just too lazy to drive/ride to work every day, so we prefer to set up office at home. Well, jokes apart, some of the small business that operates right out of…

The Tax Cuts Jobs Act Temporarily Expands Bonus Depreciation

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) enhances some tax breaks for businesses while reducing or eliminating others. One break it enhances — temporarily — is bonus depreciation. While most TCJA provisions go into effect…