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6 Ways Our Focuses Have Pivoted Since the Pandemic

By: Angela Ash


How to Make Your Employees Feel Valued and Engaged

The pandemic has unearthed many flows of our society and it is only to be expected that some initiatives will emerge in the foreseeable future. Every aspect of life has been laid bare — private, business, global…

Luckily, we’ll stick to business here and financial agendas and leave the world conundrums to experts worldwide.

Over a year has passed since the onset of the pandemic. By now, many businesses have managed to come up with solutions and alternatives to either stay afloat or earn massively. It’s no secret that home delivery services have skyrocketed and that all businesses capable of switching to this strategy have already done so.

But, what about businesses operating in different industries? Surely, there’s a way for them to overcome the challenging times?

1. Business Planning for an Emergency

This pandemic has taught us a thing or two about the uncertainties of the times we live in. With scientists warning of the rapidly approaching global warming and new pandemics just around the corner, we need to be prepared for any eventuality.

For businesses, this means that they need to establish a strategy for emergency times. You should think about the essentials, such as safeguarding the health of the employees, remote work strategies, implementation of functional online communication apps and tools, ways to boost engagement and empower the employees, and cutting costs.

Admittedly, it’s a lot of work, but the sooner you start developing methodologies, the faster you will be able to transition to efficient, cost-efficient business operations.

2. Targeted Ways to Engage

For many businesses, engaging the workforce remains one of the chief conundrums, and rightly so. People are different, so there will always be employees looking for one benefit and others looking for another. Finding a way to establish a functional methodology that will take into account all realistic initiatives is the key factor.

There are many employee engagement ideas, but to be able to implement them, you need to know what your employees are actually looking for. One efficient way to discover this is by establishing a regular anonymous feedback system.

Another successful approach is allocating praise where it is due. Positive recognition has a beneficial psychological impact — not only on the employees in question, but also on everyone else. When people know that their efforts will be recognized, they will be motivated to continually give their best.

Lastly, you should encourage innovative thinking, especially because the established business models are slowly but certainly going obsolete. With entire industries switching to the leader model (as opposed to the managerial system), it’s better to start implementing new practices sooner than later.

3. Better Productivity

Productivity is the keyword for long-time success. While the term is as plain as it gets, the actual implementation remains elusive to many. That’s because different businesses have different business models and strategies.

Is there a way to help everyone with a simple tip?

We’d argue there is. Obviously, the world is shifting towards digitalization. All businesses must follow suit or risk to lose competitiveness.

Online communication with the clients has been around for a while, with feedback, email marketing and a strong social media presence reigning supreme.

However, there are some easily overlooked factors that can hinder the efforts needlessly. One of them is — believe it or not — the poor choice of an email client. Make it a priority to find the best email client, as to be able to focus on what really matters here — efficient communication.

4. Increasing Visibility

Closely linked to the previous point is brand visibility. Strong online presence is not optional nowadays — it is an absolute must.

One way to establish your brand as an authority in the field is to implement SEO for SaaS companies. Not only will it help you attract your target audience quickly, but it will also boost your marketing efforts in the long run.

The strategy has a lasting effect. I.e., once your website has been optimized, it will stay optimized. All you need to do is ensure that all new content follows the established optimization practice.

Secondly, solid SaaS SEO strategy ensures that your business will not only appear on the first page of Google search results, but that people browsing will click through to your company website.

That, in itself, will increase user experience — the driving factor behind long-term success. Follow up with customer feedback for best results, and there you have your strategy.

5. Lean Business Operations

Lean business operations are a rising trend, albeit not being so novel. However, with the rapid development of digitalization, it has gotten a whole new meaning.

The main goal of the strategy is to remain competitive — no matter how fast the market changes. The basic concept behind it is to streamline your processes with the help of technology.

Lean operations can help your business to improve company efficiency while keeping the costs low. To be efficient, it needs to be implemented to all aspects of business operations — from employees to processes.

Simply put, the methodology focuses on the elements that add value and eliminates those that don’t.

6. Planning at an Earlier Age

Lastly, the pandemic has shown us that a good insurance plan is pure gold. As a direct result, many people worldwide are now considering buying insurance policies at an earlier age — a trend that must be followed up.

For one thing, a life insurance health exam is easier when you’re younger, and the same goes for everyone, including your employees.

Think about what your business can offer that competitors don’t. Can you add an innovative approach to life insurance to stay ahead of the competition?


As you can see, there is much and more to be done about making your business more successful, risk-proof, and the best place for the employees.

Going lean, focusing on SEO, boosting employee productivity and engagement, and offering innovative insurance packages are only the starting point. Still, a strong one with the potential to evolve and adapt should a new crisis strike.

Think ahead, think outside the box!

Published: April 29, 2021

Angela Ash

Angela Ash

Angela Ash is a professional writer who focuses on business topics related to marketing, remote work, productivity, entrepreneurship, freelancing, employee engagement and more. She also provides content and editing services for Flow Agency.

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