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Establish Social Growth for Positive Change

By: Jeremy Bowler


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Both startups and established companies have been able to identify both new threats and new business opportunities in their adaptation processes to the digital age. They have developed relationship mechanisms with their customers and even with their employees through these social platforms.

Since the appearance of the first social networks to the present day, more than a billion people have become regular users of this type of service. This includes publishing news, photos, videos, opinions, personal data and all kinds of information immediately accessible from anywhere from the planet and any device, leading to a cultural change in society.

The effectiveness of social networks and their high degree of adoption has not gone unnoticed by companies. Companies that are aware of their media and reputational impact have been able to identify both new threats and new business and marketing opportunities in their processes. The digital age has helped them to develop relationship mechanisms with their clients and even with their employees. These initiatives could be classified into three groups, depending on their focus, complexity and purpose.

Photo: Unsplash

Essential initiatives for entrepreneurs 

In the first place, the most basic initiatives and approaches for managing social networks, from a business perspective, consist of the establishment of policies, guidelines and controls that regulate the use that employees make of social networks in the publication of information.

The second approach consists of adapting and extending business services to social networks, considering it as another channel of communication and interaction with your employees and clients what your business offers can translate to any social platform. Some better than others, admittedly, but the use of graphics and imagery can assist.

Most things are virtual today. During the Covid-19 crisis, virtual meetings, and interviews have taken place. It would help if you implemented innovative ways to move forward; such as looking into a virtual photo booth which can be a fun and unique method to create virtual events.

Innovation is key

Finally, there is a much more complex and innovative approach that provides more excellent value to companies from a business opportunity point of view. It arises from the combination of concepts such as “Big Data” and predictive analytics together with the digital transformation trends of companies.

In this sense, the interest of companies in adapting their products and services to the new needs of customers has meant that the business use of social networks is evolving and opening its doors to new services of a strategic nature. All entrepreneurs should be well aware of the benefits of social media by now, yet so many fail to implement the correct strategy.

Now more than ever, digital transformation within social spaces is vital for the growth of the business. It should certainly not be ignored by companies concerned about their evolution and survival in the contexts of adaptation and current digital transformation. It can lead to a more prosperous future. Using digital spaces and social media platforms can allow a more convenient way to connect. From a tablet, phone or computer, you can stay up to date and connected regularly. 

Published: November 6, 2020

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Jeremy Bowler

Jeremy Bowler is a full-time copywriter of five years specialising in business and finance. Jeremy graduated from the University of Chester with degrees in business accounting and finance. He's an avid traveler and has taught English in Nepal, Malaysia, and Japan and has produced copy for Neil Patel, Entrepreneur and Metro amongst many other high-end publications.

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