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4 Top Tips to Help You Create the Perfect Home Office

By: Kiera Falcus



Working from home sounds like the ideal situation, right? Comfy clothes on, laptop propped on your knee on the sofa, and Netflix playing in the background. What’s not to love?

Except if all of us who actually do work from home did that, we’d get nothing done. In fact, most self-employed people will tell you that they actually don’t want to work in the same place that they spend their down time, because it becomes more difficult to separate the two.

Ensuring there are boundaries between personal and working time if you work from home is absolutely crucial. Not only is this likely to make you more productive in your working life, but it’s so important to establish boundaries so that you can truly relax in your home, and leave your work “at work”.

This is why it’s always a good idea to have a home office if you work from home, and today we’re going to be sharing our top tips on how to create the perfect working space.

Decipher Exactly What You Need

It’s always a good idea to start with a plan, and this one should begin with deciphering exactly what you need in your office. Furthermore did you know that a home office could actually positively impact how much your house is worth in 2020? With that in mind, it’s worth taking the time to furnish it well.

Chances are you’ll already have a laptop or computer. On top of that, do you need a printer? A photocopier? Do you need filing cabinets? All of this will depend upon what sort of field you’re actually in. For example, an accountant would be likely to need a filing system in order to store all important numerical information, whereas a graphic designer would need a large desk and drawing equipment.

It’s all about knowing exactly what you need in the space, in order to help you do your job to the best of your ability, and as at ease as if you were in a work place with everything provided for you.

Dedicate One Area Entirely to Your Office

Choosing one designated space for your home office is integral in making it a separate affair from the rest of the house.

In an ideal world, we’d all have a spare room in which to put our home office – that’s a given. But if you’re a family with no spare rooms, or even just a single person living in a single bedroom house, then it’s unlikely you’ll have an entire room that can be dedicated to this cause. This, however, should never stop you from working from home – you just have to improvise a little!

Even if you can’t spare a room in its’ entirety, you can dedicate a section of a room entirely to your office space. This means that this is a “working only” space, and that you should somehow make it separate to the rest of the space, whether that be in furnishings or the way that you use it. Whatever you do, it’s about keeping it separate.

Light Up the Space!

There’s nothing less motivating than a dark space – it’ll either send you to sleep, or make you feel agitated in a long sitting – so ensure you light up the space you choose as your home office.

If you can, it’s always a good idea to have your home office near a window. People who work from home don’t have to go out as much as people who commute to work, and therefore it’s always a good idea that they have some sort of access to the outside world. Looking over the garden, for example, is a great way to connect with nature from your office. Painting the walls light, neutral colours and incorporating mirrors into your décor are other great ways of lighting up any space.

If you are near a window, do ensure that your computer is facing away from the light, otherwise you’ll have issues with glare on the screen.

Make it Your Own

Last of all, but by no means least, one of the beautiful things about designing your own home office, is that you can do it entirely to your taste.

Whereas working in a generic office feels completely impersonal, you can accessorise however you like in your home office! Think about whatever motivates you, whether it be quotes on the wall or pictures of the family, and think about what you find aesthetically pleasing. House plants are always a great addition, particularly if you don’t have access to a window overlooking the garden!

Published: March 17, 2020

kiera falcus

Kiera Falcus

Kiera is a freelance journalist working in the UK property sector.

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