Jay Chambers

Jay Chambers is an entrepreneur and blogger at Minute Man Review. After leaving the academic world in 2012 to start his own business, Chambers successfully founded 2 separate businesses in health and technology. He’s into free speech, health, self-determination and the writings of Ayn Rand.


Meditation Mind-Calming In Hectic Times

When you’re working on a hectic schedule, it can be difficult to find time to relax. Even worse, when you have time, it can be difficult to make sure that you use that time to…

Best Practice Examples: How a Gun Writer Started a Successful Business

A few years ago, a young gun writer—we’ll call him Josh—was making a decent bit of money writing for various firearms publications. But he had a problem: He’d hit a bit of a wall in…

6 Simple, Reliable Steps for Entrepreneurs to Relieve Stress

As an entrepreneur, you simply can’t avoid all of the stress triggers in your life. However, what you can do is learn how to deal with it. In order to avoid the many health problems…

5 Simple Steps for Becoming a Healthier Entrepreneur

Following your dreams, branching out and starting your own business is one of the most rewarding experiences a person can experience. That being said, the busy and stressful lifestyle of modern-day entrepreneurs doesn’t leave much…