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What Is a CDN and Why Do You Need One?

By: Stacy Chabot


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The world is a big place but the internet has done a lot to make it feel much smaller. With the help of the internet, we can talk to anyone around the world instantly. What you might not realize, though, is that distance still matters when it comes to the internet, particularly when it comes to the speed of data and content delivery.

The further away that you are from the origin point, the longer it’s going to take for the data to reach you. The closer you are to the origin server, the faster the content is going to make it through the cables and into your television, computer, or tablet. For consumers, faster data transfers offer higher quality sound and video. For content providers, they are much more likely to retain customers because of their high quality content.

If pictures lag, sound stutters, or content is slow to load, customers are much more likely to move on to other content (and there is plenty of content to choose from these days). So how are content makers, distributors and providers supposed to compete for audiences around the world when their servers are based in one static location? That’s where a content delivery network comes in.

What’s a CDN?

It stands for CDN video streaming. The network is made up of servers around the world that cache data that can be passed onto the consumer. For example, let’s say you are a content provider who keeps their media on a server in San Francisco. Your customer in New York wants to watch a video that you’ve produced. Instead of waiting for the data to transfer from San Francisco to their home in New York, they can instead connect to a server in Philadelphia in order to get the content. The download time is much faster, the video streaming quality is better, and the consumer gets what they want, when they want it at the highest quality possible. Content delivery networks work on a global scale, too, giving your content consumers the best quality no matter where they are accessing the content.

Why You Need a CDN

At this point, the answer should be pretty clear. A CDN is all about providing your customers and end-users with the highest quality content possible. It’s reliable, uninterrupted content that provides high customer satisfaction and keeps customers coming back for more. Consumers want to access content from around the world and they want to do when they want and how they want. A CDN makes that possible and creates a better end-user experience and the potential for bigger profits for content makers due to higher customer satisfaction.

Which CDN Is Right For You?

Now that you know what a content delivery network is and why you need one, it’s time to find the right one. That’s easier said than done. Just like there is plenty of content out there to choose from, there are plenty of CDNs to choose from, too. We recommend you choose carefully. Good CDN provides fast connections, guaranteed bandwidth, and high quality, three things that are invaluable to consumers and creators. The right system can be configured for multiple features and streaming for resolutions from standard definition to beautiful clear, crisp HD.

Want to ensure that you are delivering the highest level of quality content to your consumers? Want to provide content that’s fast and reliable? Then you should learn more about getting the right CDN Solutions for you to bring your content to the world.

Published: April 26, 2021

stacy chabot

Stacy Chabot

Stacy Chabot is a digital marketing specialist at Setplex - OTT/IPTV solutions provider that helps content owners to build or upgrade to a state-of-the-art OTT/IPTV solution that is future-proof, and delivers a superior user experience across all major platforms. At Setplex Stacy works on the company's brand awareness on the Internet. She has a strong marketing and sales background with over 6 years in the B2B market. When not working Stacy enjoys trying new sports, going on hikes and miss traveling the world.

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