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Discover This New Free Tool to Maximize Your Cash

By: Susan Solovic


Discover This Tool to Maximize Your Cash

Cash is king.

That’s one of the important lessons Jeff Bezos ­ the wizard of cash flow, has taught the business world over the last decade or so.

But to maximize cash flow and other key performance indicators, you need to understand how all the moving parts of your company’s financial ecosystem are working together.

When you can see and understand this bigger picture, it puts you in a position to make small adjustments that payoff with big improvements, which, by the way is the overriding theme in my book, The One-Percent Edge: Small Changes That Guarantee Relevance and Build Sustainable Success. By the way, this is an affiliate link, which means I receive payment if you make a purchase my book using this link.

When he announced the release of the tool, Sageworks product manager Alex Pan said that the company is “providing small businesses a solution that shows them how much additional cash they could generate by making small changes in their financial metrics and how to go about doing that in their specific industries.”

Because I believe this strategy is so important in today’s business climate, I was elated when Sageworks made its CashSage tool available for free to all U.S. small business owners. The tool provides three critically important insights for small business owners; it:

  • Shows how changes in six key financial metrics impact cash flow,
  • Benchmarks your company’s financial picture against your industry averages, and
  • Gives you monthly industry-specific recommendations on how to improve each financial metric.

To give you these insights, the tool paints the financial picture of your company based on these six key metrics:

  • Revenue Growth
  • Operating Cost Growth
  • Profit Margin
  • Days Until Your Business Gets Paid
  • Days Until Your Business Pays Vendors & Employees
  • Days Your Inventories Are On Hold

And, if you use QuickBooks online, CashSage will use your Quickbooks data to sync your monthly financials.

It’s not often that small business owners are given a free tool that provides as much utility as this one does. You could build a spreadsheet that gives you this information, but with CashSage, all you have to do is move sliders around to get an immediate “cause and effect” overview of your financial situation.

This provides you with the power to quickly and conveniently play out all kinds of “what if” scenarios to discover the easiest and fastest ways to put your business on a better cash flow and profitability footing.

That will make you the cash flow wizard of your realm.

Published: October 16, 2017

Source: Susan Solovic

a woman

Susan Solovic

Susan Wilson Solovic is an award-winning serial entrepreneur, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Amazon.com and USA Today bestselling author, and attorney. She was the CEO and co-founder of SBTV.com—small business television—a company she grew from its infancy to a million dollar plus entity. She appears regularly as a featured expert on Fox Business, Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, CNBC and can be seen currently as a small business expert on the AT&T Networking Exchange website. Susan is a member of the Board of Trustees of Columbia College and the Advisory Boards for the John Cook School of Entrepreneurship at Saint Louis University as well as the Fishman School of Entrepreneurship at Columbia College. 

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