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4 Apps to Help Stay on Top of Your Small Business Finances
By: Biz2Credit.com

When you are first starting a business there are so many things you have to work through. From navigating the sometimes red tape filled waters of applying for Small Business Administration loans to putting your business plan into action by setting up shop in the perfect location, it can seem that once the dust settles it is smooth sailing. The truth is, however, that there are always things that need to be tweaked to help the business run more smoothly. One of the first bumps in the road is managing the finances. It can become very overwhelming very quickly. In today’s world of technology however, help is easier than ever to find. Following are mobile apps to help you manage your small business finances.
Mint has gained recognition as a great way to track income and expenses. It connects to your bank account and categorizes credits and deposits so you can see exactly where your money comes from, and where it is going. This is a powerful money management tool for any small business, and now they have a mobile app. This allows you to stay on top of things no matter where you are.
Who hasn’t had a shoebox full of receipts and other financial records that need to be kept for tax purposes or even just tracking purposes? Shoeboxed.com lets you do that electronically, and much more neatly. They also have a mobile app allowing you access to all of that information on the go.
Probably the most used accounting program for small businesses, QuickBooks definitely has staked a claim to the small business accounting market. Bookkeepers, accountants, and small business owners alike tend to favor it. While the app does not have all of the capabilities of the full program, having access to the accounts from mobile devices can be priceless in and of itself in certain situations.
Google Analytics
Okay, so it isn’t a financial management app. It is useful in managing finances, however. It can show you what is working and what isn’t when it comes to your internet marketing, which creates income. The app will let you access data from a mobile device, thus increases productivity since the information is available wherever you may be. You could plan a whole new internet marketing campaign while waiting at the dentist’s office.
While it may seem that you are free of the chains of looking for loans, startup loans, SBA loans, lines of credit, or other financing once you are to the point of needing apps to manage your finances, this is just not the case. When you find yourself needing a new piece of equipment or financing for any reason, visit Biz2Credit.com. Our network of over 1,300 lenders matches small business owners with lenders just like you. The service is free to business owners and cuts down on a lot of the leg work.
This article was originally published by Biz2Credit
Published: June 24, 2014