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Staying Safe: 5 Ways Safes Can Help Bulletproof Home Business Security

By: Dean Ryan


Ideas to Help Keep Your Business Safe

Good business security is imperative, regardless of where you operate from. Keeping assets secure is vital to the continuation of a smooth operation. Without it, you risk theft of, and damage to, essential company property.

There are many ways to add additional protection to your home business brand, but none are quite as tried and tested as the safe. Discover why you should invest in this long-standing form of protection when working from a residential property.

Protect Business Assets

There are four million burglaries carried out across the country each year and, astonishingly, 90% of these are never solved. If you operate a home business, you put yourself at serious risk of having important business assets stolen and never being recovered.

Any kind of theft can be devastating, but when items that are fundamental to your business operation are lost, it can have an impact on your very livelihood. Loss of equipment required to actually work can result in a real loss of earnings.

Commercial safes, and even smaller-scale home safes, present an opportunity to avoid such calamities. Modern safes come complete with high-security features, including multiple locking mechanisms, touchscreen protection and even biometric security.

They keep intruders away from what’s locked inside.

Using a safe to secure your business assets means that burglars can’t steal the tools you need to carry out your work properly. If you were to experience such a crime, you’ll be safe in the knowledge that, while dealing with the other consequences, your business can carry on as normal.

Meet Data Protection Standards

With Europe going mad over GDPR, and the rest of the world becoming similarly obsessed with data protection, it is imperative that all businesses, no matter where they are or how they operate, be careful with how they handle customer data.

Failure to meet compliance rules can result in:

  • Massive fines
  • Legal cases
  • Black marks against your company
  • Hits to reputation

While much of the focus of modern data protection is on digital documentation, physical files also present a very real danger to compliance. If you aren’t securing customer data properly and it were to go missing or be stolen, you could face business-altering repercussions.

When dealing with data protection, being able to demonstrate that you are properly securing customer data sets you up with a strong case for compliance cooperation. Safes offer real protection for any physical files that contain personal information.

Click here to read more on data protection officers

Create Theft Deterrence

Most criminals are opportunists.

The majority simply enter through unlocked doors and windows of properties they decide to take a gamble on. These people are not master safecrackers or thieves with premeditated intent, which means they are unlikely to have the tools or skills required to get close enough to entering a modern high-security safe.

Safes are a deterrent that fights against crime. The average burglary only lasts a few minutes. Criminals want to access a property, identify objects they can easily steal, and then get out as quickly as possible.

Having a safe presents a barrier that no opportunity thief wants to deal with. The result is that they’ll likely move on more quickly, in search of easier targets.

Provide Additional Protection

When it comes to securing business valuables within a safe, your mind may immediately turn to protection against thieves, but there are other threats to your company assets.

Recent wildfires and risks of flooding caused by extreme weather pose a very real, and potentially severe, threat to property and, as a result, home business assets.

In the event of disaster, your concern is for your family, pets and truly-cherished possessions, not your business equipment. However, having the peace of mind that your company property is secure and protected in the event of a fire, flood or earthquake is something we all want to experience.

A good safe is like an impenetrable fortress, securing items held within from whatever is thrown at it. While not all safes are fire or water resistant, there are plenty of units available that provide targeted disaster protection. If you believe your property to be at risk—as any can be, particularly when it comes to fires—hey are well worth the investment.

Secure Insurance Payouts

We’re all quite distrusting of insurance agencies. We don’t believe they’ll honor their word in the event that the worst happens. While standards vary by country and industry, this assumption is actually far from the truth: over 95% of claims are paid out, in most cases.

But, as always, there is a caveat to this.

Insurance companies pay out because they are provided with evidence that proper precautions were taken to avoid the unfortunate event that resulted in a claim, especially in the case of theft. For home businesses to provide such evidence, they need to put measures in place that mean insurance companies cannot dispute claims.

If done right, though, this is an easy task.

Commercial safes often come with a cash rating, based on their security features and build quality. Items stored within the safe are then protected to a predetermined value, ranging from a few thousand into the millions. If business assets are secured in the safe, and the items are then stolen or the safe is removed, the insurance company has no course of action but to pay out for the valuables secured, as they are protected by said pre-approved cash ratings.

Published: September 14, 2018

dean ryan

Dean Ryan

A Safe Engineer by trade, Dean Ryan followed in his father’s footsteps into the world of safecracking. Learning from an award-winning safecracker provided Dean with unparalleled experience in everything security safe related. He has been in the industry for over 15 years, helping businesses realize their security needs.

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