Virtual Private Networks have gone from being relatively unknown to being a major facet of the modern world. Digital users who are trying to protect their privacy have become incredibly fond of VPNs, and everyone from small businesses to major corporations are now using them in the commercial world to keep customer data safe and enable widespread remote work arrangements. As a matter of fact, VPN services for Android have been gaining steam in the past few years precisely because more business owners are beginning to realize the widespread application of VPNs can help them on any device or platform.
Nevertheless, getting a VPN isn’t the end of your security concerns—as a matter of fact, VPN breakouts and other issues demonstrate that when you invest in a VPN, the battle to secure your privacy has only just begun.
Here’s how to prevent VPN breakouts in your corporate security, and other ways to ensure digital privacy is maintained at all times.
What’s a VPN breakout?
To truly understand a VPN breakout, you need to understand what a virtual private network is in the first place; VPNs have become incredibly popular over the past few years because they enable you to securely access the web without having to worry about prying eyes that are trying to get ahold of your sensitive data. Increasingly common data breaches and everyday privacy violations have led consumers and businesses alike to grow more justifiably paranoid that they’re being spied upon than ever before. VPNs help alleviate these privacy concerns by establishing encrypted tunnels of information that permit you to safely access the web without having to look over your digital shoulder at all times.
Remote-access VPNs are increasingly popular for businesses because more and more companies are allowing their employees to work from home. As a matter of fact, we have good reasons to believe that more than 5 percent of Americans work from home, and that figure is sure to grow in the future as it becomes cheaper, easier, and more popular to do so. Companies have plenty of incentives to allow their workers to manage their duties from home, but there’s a necessary drawback; workers who have to access sensitive information may be jeopardizing the company’s network security given their remote status.
Enter remote-access VPNs, which permit everyday employees to securely connect to a remote server that’s faraway from them without having to worry about endangering your entire network security. Some remote access VPNs function by explicitly curtailing which websites employees can access; VPN services will sometimes prohibit employees from accessing certain parts of the internet because doing so can be dangerous, potentially inviting hazardous elements into your network.
Every once in a while, though, VPN services fail to properly prohibit employees from accessing things they should never have been able to reach in the first place. IPv6 VPN breakouts, for instance, are an increasingly common problem that originate whenever IPv6 traffic is free to access the internet without important controls being applied to prevent hazardous wrongdoing.
Focus on IPv6 breakouts
The most pressing security problem for most businesses which employ VPNs to enable a remote workforce is almost assuredly an IPv6 breakout. Most businesses simply don’t know how common dangerous IPv6 breakouts are, especially since many successful entrepreneurs who are familiar with the business world are totally unfamiliar with technology and how it works. Rather than throwing up your hands and accepting this as an unfortunate cost of doing business, you should be taking active steps to stymie the possibility of an IPv6 breakout which could prove to be disastrous for your company’s prospects.
Studying up on preventing IPv6 breakouts is the first step, but it’s imperative to realize that without a dedicated IT professional to manage your company’s VPN services, you may never reach reliable success that won’t be plagued by potential IT failures. It’s also worthwhile to know that VPN services aren’t specifically available only to Microsoft, Apple, or Android platforms individually. You can and must find a good VPN service provider regardless of how you choose to structure the technological platforms your business relies on for success.
VPNs has been gaining steam across a myriad of commercial sectors over the past few years for good reasons—they provide concrete results and generally are quite affordable, even for small businesses. Corporations which have been ignoring data privacy and digital security for too long have now fully gotten onboard the VPN bandwagon, but few of them are doing enough to insure themselves against dangerous VPN breakouts.
Don’t jeopardize your digital security by refusing to invest in a good VPN service. Preventing VPN breakouts in your corporate security begins and ends with doing your homework, hiring the right people, and making prudent investments well ahead of time.