Cybersecurity preparedness is essential with the ever-evolving threat landscape we are currently living in. Given that it is no longer a matter of “if” you will experience a cybersecurity incident, but “when”, establishing a baseline and having a detailed cybersecurity plan in place is crucial to every business. However, despite increased focus and awareness on cyberthreats, several myths and misconceptions regarding cybersecurity continues to prevent businesses from protecting themselves effectively.
Below are Verity IT’s top 5 cybersecurity misconceptions that are vital to challenge.
Cybersecurity Is the Responsibility of the IT Department
Of course, your IT department or Managed IT Service provider plays a HUGE role in managing the cybersecurity of your business. However, you should never rely on them for complete cyber protection. Real cybersecurity preparedness is the responsibility of every single employee in your organization. Considering 63% of professionals report they don’t have enough security training to keep up with risks, Security Awareness Training is crucial for all businesses. With the rate of learning falling behind the pace of technology change, employee security education remains one of the most critical layers of security defense available to your organization today.
We Haven’t Experienced a Cyberattack, So Our Security Posture Is Strong
Cyberthreats are constantly evolving in sophistication and complexity, and organizations need to continuously strive for cybersecurity. It’s merely impossible to achieve complete security but it’s important to have a strategic security posture help you detect an attack. An effective plan can mean the difference between a quick recovery and a serious blow to a company’s reputation.
My Insurance Covers Cybersecurity Incidents
Another important item to check on is whether or not your general liability insurance covers cyber breaches. Many standard insurance policies do not cover cyber incidents or data breaches at all. We also recommend Dark Web Monitoring to help identify any compromised business credentials as a result of another organization’s data breach.
We Have Invested in Security Tools, So We Are Safe
Many businesses believe that if they invest in expensive security tools and solutions — they can build an invincible shield between their network and cybercriminals. Don’t get us wrong, sophisticated cybersecurity solutions are an essential part of keeping your business secure, but it will not protect you from everything. Security tools and solutions are only 100% effective if they are appropriately configured, monitored, maintained and integrated with overall security operations.
Compliance Is Enough
Simply complying with industry standards does not equal a robust cybersecurity strategy for your business. Although compliance is a crucial component of any security system, vulnerabilities and threats keep evolving which can only be managed through updating your cybersecurity practices consistently. This means going far beyond what your industry regulations are asking for.
One of the main issues with a compliance-based cybersecurity mindset is this that compliance is only a basic foundation – even most regulators will admit that the requirements imposed by security regulations are a bare minimum standard. An organization that has not taken the steps to move beyond compliance regulations has not seriously considered the responsibility it bears to its business and its clients!
Verity IT is a managed IT service provider who helps hundreds of businesses with cybersecurity. For more information and education on cybersecurity best practices, check out our interactive webinars!