The world today lends itself to more security. Office managers are determined to ensure that their business is secure. This comes in many forms, such as equipment, the premises, the software and the phone lines. You can get your office secure using these four tips.
When you are the owner of a business or office manager, you want to make sure that your calls are secure. You don’t want information getting out that could harm your business or employees. At the same time, you want your customers to know their calls are protected from credit card thieves. The Secure Terminal Equipment Office phone is a way to ensure security. The STE program will improve secure voice communications on and of a ship. The STE Data Terminal provides a reliable, secure, high-rate digital data modem for applications where only data transfer is required.
Encryption Software
If you are trying to send secure messages to stakeholders or customers, you want to have software that will encrypt your communications. Some simple encryption is OK for certain businesses, but if you are dealing with classified or privileged documents, you will want software that goes by simple encryption. Find the most secure encryption process for your business that you believe is best.
You have many options to secure your premises. You can hire a security team, use a monitored alarm system or an unmonitored alarm system, or an access code system. In some cases, a combination of all those might be just the ticket. If you have employees working late at night who have to cross a parking lot in the dark, a security team would be appropriate.
If you have places where you want limited access, then you should invest in an access system that requires key cards, special keys or a code to enter. A monitored alarm system will send a signal to a company when an alarm is triggered.
It can be wireless or used with phone lines. The wireless system is more secure. The monitored system does have a delay that might not prevent a theft. An unmonitored alarm system means a noise sounds when thieves are on the premises.
Burglars will be scared off the premises. You should pick a system that uses motion detection as a trigger both inside the building and outside the building. You also want to lock up all extra keys in a secure area. Arrange your office space so you will notice unescorted visitors. Empty your trash cans often.
You should be prepared for power failures with some form of communication, such as two-way radios. Important papers and documents should be locked in a secure cabinet with executive offices away from the front of the building. Utility closets should be locked at all times with limited access.
You should always lock your most sensitive equipment, such as laptops, tablets, machines, proprietary equipment unique to your business. Allow few people access to these areas. Back up your computer daily to ensure you don’t lose important files if something happens to your computers and printers.
Make sure you have access codes on printers and copiers. This will ensure that certain people do not use printers and copiers for nonbusiness reasons.
Author: Usman Raza is freelance writer, an author and content marketing specialist for Headset Zone and Telegiants. When not working, he’s probably spending time with his family. Follow him on Facebook @usmanraza40 and Twitter @usmanintrotech