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Prepare Amazing Slides For Your Business with Google Slides Templates

By: Louise Harris


BEKASI, WEST JAVA, INDONESIA. MARCH 12, 2019 : Google Slides dev app with magnifying on Smartphone screen. Google Slides is a freeware web browser developed by Google LLC

Google has several products that help to ease the tasks of workers in the business. A Google slide is one such product used by educators, tutors, and online teachers. Business executives also use it during the demonstration or introduction of the company during their speech.

A Google slide is the easiest way to make an interactive, colorful, and engaging presentation that makes your session more enjoyable. There are lots of free templates available for all lines of business and purpose. They are easy to edit and can be used for a variety of purposes.

These templates are ready to use for any business needs. You can include all types of data representing charts that can make your analytics look spectacular and easy to understand for everybody.

Why choose Google slides?

  • Wide variety of templates: Making slide presentations using Google slide is very simple. You can browse a wide range of ready-made templates that can be used to make your teaching experience enjoyable. They can meet all the basic needs of business presentations like pie charts and agile curves, etc.
  • Easy to customize: The drag and drop features give freedom of choice and make the customization work simple. Unlike other PowerPoint presentations where you have to add the several components one by one in Google manually slides template, you can easily find those features inbuilt.
  • Professional designs of templates: The design of the Google slides templates are made to keep the business needs and requirements in mind. They can be used for SWOT analysis during collaboration teamwork.
  • All device compatibility: These slide templates can be accessed on any device, whether it is small screen devices like mobile or smartphones, medium-sized devices like Tablet or I pads, and large-screen devices like laptops, desktop, and smart television screens.
  • Accelerate your sales performance using Google slides: The sales manager of any business has to study the market trends in great detail. For this, they might need analytical data in a presentable format that can be viewed by clients and customers. This requires a platform that can easily integrate various charts and tabular data. Google slides template provides an excellent platform for the sales department to analyze the data and make the presentation compelling and generate more sales by making an effective campaign strategy.
  • Make the research, even more, exciting, and presentable: Research work can be tedious, and that is why making slide presentations for research work can make it look spectacular and exciting. They are easy to understand. Google slides can include various charts and diagrams easily on each slide to make it more appealing.
  • Get more attention from students using Google slides: Boring professors’ lectures can be made interesting using Google slides templates. There are a wide variety of readymade templates that can be used by online tutors, teachers or educators who take online classes during this lockdown period.
  • Analyze your business processing units using Google slides business templates: A company may have various departments with a variety of functional and operational attributes. Analyzing each area using Google slides, business templates can be beneficial for managerial posts.
  • Use Google slides template On the job training in MNC companies: MNC companies provide on the job training to their new employees. To make their training session easier, trainers use Google Slides business templates with professional designs that can fulfill all requirements of the training system. They are easily customizable.
  • Easy to share and collaborate: Google slides can be shared easily through links on any social media platform in full-screen mode or through the mail. You can collaborate with your team, sitting in various locations, and complete the tasks together.
  • Adding components as per needs: Sometimes, the default templates need further customization, and for this purpose, we need to add additional components by inserting available tools.

Uses of Google slides

Online slides with Google can be used for a variety of business purposes:-

  • Sending business proposals: The best way to send the business proposals to your client is to use Google slides for business. You can find plenty of ready-made templates that are very attractive and allow you to showcase your business in the right ways before customers’ eyes.
  • Online Teaching: During COVID-19 lockdown where all the schools and colleges are closed, online teaching is the only way for education in society. The task of a tutor or educator becomes simple with Google slides. You can choose any templates you like and fill the relevant topics that need to be discussed.
  • Real-time team collaboration: These slides can be used for the online collaboration of teams present in different company locations. It is suitable for those MNC’s that have offices in major cities in every country.
  • Research templates: Not only do Google slides have corporate themes for customization, but they also have research templates that can be used for root cause analysis like fishbone or Ishikawa diagram. You can also integrate mind maps in these slides, which can be the first source of information in single slides.

Google slides are a useful tool that is considered the best companion for any IT firm and MNC companies. The company needs to provide on-job training to trainees, which can be made easier using Google slides templates.

The scientific research and discoveries can easily be represented in presentations and can be shown in public meetings. The use of Google slides does not require any special skills, as they are highly customizable templates. There are varieties of design templates that are available for almost all niche of business.

It does not matter whatever line of business you have services or products; you can get suitable presentation templates that you might not get anywhere else. The most important thing about using Google slides is that you can easily share the work using Google short links and collaborate with your team.

You can edit and customize the slide templates as per your needs and requirements. Add the components by simple drag and drop makes the customization process easy.

Published: July 21, 2020

louise harris

Louise Harris

Louise Harris is a co-founder of Christian Marketing Experts and a marketing specialist working with various brands online such as PSD to WordPress, Gospeletters, and many more. She is devoted to helping small businesses bridge success gaps by providing in-depth, actionable advice on digital marketing, SEO, and small business growth. Visit her book list here.

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