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How to Avoid Cyber Hostility

By: Craig Lebrau


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protecting-your-small-business-from-cyber-crimeCyberspace has become a hostile place for some, especially those who are not taking cyber security seriously and those not even aware that cyber security is increasingly becoming more important. There are many ways to avoid cyber hostility and not “learn the hard way.”

Let’s delve into some of the items you need to be aware of in your cyber usage journey.

First off, it would not be advisable to rely on a so-called free virus scanner. A reputable company with a rock-solid product is unlikely to give out their product for free. If it is too good to be true, it probably is, and sometimes these claims could be the very malware you are looking to avoid in the first place. In general, anything claiming to be for “free” on the web should always be very, very closely scrutinized.

Cybersecurity Product Trials

The antithesis to a free cyber security product would be a free trial. This is a great and prudent first step in your journey to avoid cyber-attacks, cyberbullying, cyber viruses, ransomware attacks, spoofing, and dealing with digital tricksters.

Start by looking for companies with rock-solid experience in the industry with a large user base and perhaps even enterprise-grade customers.

Full Version

Whether you run one or several anti-malware and antivirus trials, at some point, make a decision you are one hundred percent confident with. If you have friends, family or co-workers who have used such products, do not hesitate to reach out and learn more about their experiences.

Cyber Manipulations

Even when you start discovering the growing list of risks associated with the web, you may still be shortsighted by the fact that many successful cyber-attacks on the internet are attributed to psychological manipulations. These are also known as “social engineering,” and googling this term would be advisable.

Hackers will work to get close to those who have access to sensitive data, gain their trust and find ways to penetrate those systems with great ease, bypassing the efforts required by a real technologically sophisticated hacks.

By learning more about social engineering, you are more likely to detect when an attempt to “socially engineer” you is taking place.

The Hostile Spoof

Spoofing comes in many different forms, and a very common one is via email. Often malicious cyber spoofers will craft fake emails from domain names similar to the institutions you trust and use that to attempt to gain access to your sensitive login details. An email may appear from your bank, the graphics may be similar, and one typically unnoticeable anomaly is in place. The link may ask you to log in with your bank card number and password pretending to be for a routine check or to confirm contact details.

If the spoof is a success, essentially, the hackers have accessed your online banking information, and funds could be potentially stolen from you on a whim.

We just got things started here; it is in your hands to avoid cyber hostility and help those around you do the same.

Published: November 24, 2021

man relaxing on a balcony

Craig Lebrau

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