Top 10 Dos and Don’ts for Customer Experience in 2024 (podcast)

Customer service evaluation concept. African woman Show face smile emoticon show on virtual screen from hand.looking at smart phone, tablet and laptop

The landscape of customer experience (CX) continues to evolve at a rapid pace. To help you navigate these changes, we’ve turned to Shep Hyken, a renowned customer service and experience expert. Listen in as Shep Hyken, customer service and experience expert, shares his predictions in customer service, plus 10 dos and don’ts for customer experience, with…

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5 Employee Engagement Tips for Remote Employees


In today’s uncertain business climate, it is increasingly important to maintain engagement and productivity among your remote employees. With distributed teams gaining prevalence in the workplace, it can be tricky to navigate the challenges of working together across time zones and digital spaces. Fortunately, there are simple ways to build a sense of community, trust,…

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7 Worthwhile Financial Incentives to Keep Your Employees Engaged


“Quiet quitting” has been having a big, scary moment: According to a 2022 study by Gallup, more than 50% of the American workforce has admittedly stopped giving its all at the office. That stat may rightfully strike fear into the heart of the average small business owner. After all, people can be your greatest asset……

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7 Great Ways to Improve Employee Engagement


Employee well-being is a worthwhile investment, as happy workers are 13% more productive, according to an Oxford University study. And with worker retention top of mind these days, keeping employees engaged and excited about their work may also make them more inclined to stick around. Here are seven ways small business owners can gain a…

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4 Great Tips to Engage and Motivate Your Team

One of the key factors when it comes to running a business is engaging your team. If the leaders of a business can understand the level of passion that their team have for the job, then this will put them one step ahead of the competition. If you are a manager then you will want…

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3 Ways to Be a Better Boss to Your Employees’


Pixabay Nobody wants to be a bad boss. However, there are plenty of them around. Most people know what it’s like to work under an employer who treats their staff badly, have no management skills, or are quite frankly incompetent. But these terrible bosses are rarely self-aware enough to realise their own shortcomings. But even…

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Don’t Make These 4 Mistakes About Employee Engagement

If you want to build a successful, growing business, you need to create a high-functioning, motivated, and productive team that stays engaged month after month. There are multiple ways to do this, but unfortunately, many venture owners and managers make some mistakes in this area that cost them the results they’re looking for. Here are…

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How To Establish a Fair Recognition Program for Your Small Business

Recognition is an innate human desire. We want to be celebrated and appreciated, especially at work. However, developing a successful recognition program for your small business is an intricate process. A fair recognition climate is rooted in inclusivity, consistency, and objectivity. There are countless ways to make recognition routine and special for your small team.…

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