Running or managing a business requires you to be consistent and professional in your appearance. Feeling confident when you turn up to work will give you one less thing to stress about during your busy day. How you dress can be extremely important, as you are representing both yourself and your company while in and out of the workplace. So here are a few pointers for you to think about when selecting that all-important workday outfit.
Dressing the Part
What type of business are you in? For many companies, you’ll need to wear more professional attire. This could be business suits for men and a suit or smart dress for women. For these companies, this type of clothing is required every day. Your employees or co-workers will expect you to do a good job of representing the company name. To do this, you have to look the part.
Not all companies require formal attire. If you have a more informal business, then you may want to go slightly more casual. You can still look smart by going for jeans or slacks and a shirt. Or possibly a smart sweater if it’s colder weather. You always want to give your colleagues and clients a good impression.
Choosing an Outfit
Always pick out something in which you feel comfortable. There are enough things to be anxious about without adding your clothes to the list of stresses. Turn up knowing that you look good. Don’t wear anything that’s going to make you feel self-conscious or uncomfortable. If you aren’t feeling your best, then you probably won’t perform your best.
You want to show your peers that you know how to present yourself. They’ll want to see that you’re serious about your job. In general, it’s usually better to be overdressed than underdressed. When was it ever a problem to be the best-dressed person in a room?
What Is Business Casual?
The phrase ‘business casual’ doesn’t have a specific definition. However, it’s the default dress code for a lot of companies in various industries. It means that the employer expects you to dress well, but you aren’t required to wear a suit or heels every day. Below is a quick guide to help you better understand how to dress to this particular code.
A simple, professional top is the easiest way for you to interpret this option. A shirt or blouse with a cardigan or casual jacket will mean that you look well-presented, but not overdressed. Try not to wear slouchy, ill-fitting clothes that you would wear around the house. On the other hand, also avoid plunging or revealing necklines. You could also choose to wear a casual dress, and even add in a belt.
Pair your top with some simple, but smart, trousers or maybe a pencil skirt. You can choose to tuck your shirt in, for a more professional look. On your feet, choose some closed-toe flats, pumps, or low heels. Avoid strappy sandals or high, stiletto heels. Plain colors such as brown, black, or navy are a better choice.
When choosing accessories, opt for smaller, simple jewelry. Bright, chunky accessories can be distracting. Studs or small hoop earrings, a simple necklace, and non-jangling bracelets or a watch are best. If you wear nail polish, make sure it is fresh and not chipped. Go for a more muted, natural color.
Choose a light-colored, long-sleeved shirt, and make sure to tuck it in. The addition of a tie with a simple pattern or solid color is entirely up to you. Adding a fitted sweater over your button-down shirt can give you a more polished look. You can also wear a casual blazer or jacket to complete your outfit.
Cotton pants or light-colored chinos are an excellent option for this type of interview. Go for more neutral colors that will match whatever shirts you choose. In some places, dark-colored jeans may be acceptable, but it’s better to avoid them if you’re unsure.
Any professional closed-toe shoe is fine, and it’s best to opt for dark-colored socks. If you like, add in a classic wristwatch, but remove any additional jewelry. It always looks professional to wear a belt that compliments your shoes.
Let’s review the main points to consider when you’re choosing a work outfit.
Find something that makes you feel good. You want to be able to walk into the office with confidence, knowing that you’re making the best possible impression.
Always dress to the code of the business that you work in. If you can be consistent in your presentation of yourself, it suggests that you can be consistent in other areas as well.
If in doubt, try going ‘business casual’. This is the safest option to go for if you’re unsure, as it’s the dress code for the majority of companies. Even if you are a little under or overdressed, you will still look professional.