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Can Folderly’s Email Spam Tester Understand Average Open Rates?

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What to know when running an email spam check 

What’s the average email open rate? A spam tester can make many people ask this question after finishing a check. Any email spam check software, even as powerful as that by Folderly, is only meant to check, not to be a b2b encyclopedia. That’s why we would like to provide our subscribers and hopefully, potential clients with some explanations. There are barely any problems with checking one’s average email open rate when using our services.

One can do really much with Folderly – it can improve delivery rate, domain reputation and increase ROI. Each of Folderly’s clients is provided with a possibility to learn about the key aspects of b2b and discover useful marketing tricks. So, let’s discuss the following important issues:

-whether various types of email open rates exist

-whether caring about one’s average email open rate is vital or not

-whether your average email open rate is good enough or it could be better

Still don’t use the best services for checking email open rates? Apparently, you haven’t heard of Folderly. To make you understand what we deal with, this guide has been prepared by our top experts. Why don’t we start looking into what the average email rate really is?

Types of average email open rates 

There’s barely a marketer who has never asked himself: “Do my clients read every letter I send?” Salespeople test letters for spam and check mailboxes for delivery rates, trying to ensure as high email open rate as possible. However, it’s better to first find out about the essence of the email open rate and its types.

Here’s a simple example. Let’s imagine that some marketer decides to use his spam email checker for finding out the average email open rate. It’s only natural for him to expect to see the result of about 70-80%, for he’s done his best to improve the email deliverability. But unexpectedly, a company’s email open rate can turn out to be much lower than that.

To understand the reasons for that it needs to be aware of the distribution channel types. For example, for the Social Media channel, marketers can easily expect up to 90% open rate. On the contrary, those counting on the Events sphere will most likely have the 50-60% open rates. Why so? Each of the distribution channels has its own kind of audience. The level of one’s open rate depends on the popularity of this or that b2b content direction. Besides, the more popular the channel is, the more competition it implies.

Individual email open rate importance

All the metrics in b2b are connected and influence each other. At Folderly we know it like no one else. And as a product of b2b lead generation company – Belkins – we are perfectly aware of why a good email open rate is essential in b2b for generating sales leads successfully.

When running a test to check the email delivery rate, one expects to see big numbers. That’s because every smart marketer never forgets to care about domain health or their reputation as a sender. However, with the email open rate it may be a little bit different. Here is where a lot of things depend on the individuality of the audience. Knowing that, an experienced salesperson keeps in mind certain important aspects:

1) It’s important to be aware of what each distribution area is about. Having generic data on your leads is one thing. but being an expert in the sphere they stick to is another. That helps to understand audiences and find more of their pain points.

2) The more pain points you find in prospects, the more effectively you prevent them from slipping out of your sales funnel.

3) When a user knows about email open rates types, he stops worrying about low results. They are just characteristic for the industry he works in.

How to send b2b emails effectively: test for spam for the sake of great open rates

How to adapt cold b2b emailing to this or that distribution channel? This question will always be relevant for every marketer. As it turns out, every b2b prospect or sale lead may require an individual approach. Thus, every b2b marketer’s arsenal has to include something more than just delivery rate/spam checking services.

1) It’s highly recommended that every b2b salesperson study how spam filters function. Avoiding being blacklisted is much easier when you know what to stay away from.

2) As usual, keeping one’s sender reputation great is vital. Being a social media expert won’t help when your emails can’t reach the sender’s mailbox. And why travel far to find a reliable spam checker? Folderly’s email delivery rate/spam check software is more than capable of helping here.

3) Lots of companies make a mistake when stopping to contact clients during people’s summertime vacations etc. B2b campaigns shouldn’t be based on seasonality! Otherwise, all that is to be expected is people choosing other companies and a decrease in your company’s performance.

Published: August 27, 2021

andrey andrianov

Andrey Andrianov

Andrey Andrianov is a copywriter eager to help those interested in b2b understand its principles and the main trends. His articles are aimed at explaining tricky b2b aspects in a simple language.

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