A good marketing strategy is like having a personal cheerleader. It keeps your audience engaged and motivates you to do better. Without effective marketing, you wouldn’t be able to bridge the gap between your clients and yourself. As the era is evolving and getting more digitized, it has become more competitive to find the proper marketing technique for you.
It doesn’t matter if you allocate a significant budget towards your marketing efforts or a small one. What is important is knowing the right hacks to get more out of less. Here’s how you go about that.
1. Use Social Media
As social creatures, we occupy every space that allows us to connect and communicate with others in a fast and accessible way. Social media is the forefront runner in this endeavor. It is by far the most evergreen marketing strategy because almost everyone follows a brand on their social media profiles.
Once you have a dedicated social media page, you need to funnel attention towards it through targeted ads or join forums to link your page. Through your social media services alone, such as swift responses and answering all their queries, customers will recommend your page to others within their social circles.
It is noticeable how every high-end brand such as Nike, Tesla, and even sports drinks like Gatorade have a presence on various platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and even Instagram.
2. Utilize Free Content
One of the significant assets you possess is free content. This is an opportunity to showcase your style, skills, and knowledge to your customers by sharing your material.
This can be anything from a small video clip with solutions to a generic problem that your customer might have or an article with valuable information. However, while handing off free stuff, don’t forget to use CTAs to get more customers and more info out of existing ones.
A call-to-action is a marketing technique to invite your customer to perform the desired action. It could be to join your mailing list or subscription list. Getting a higher customer base brings in more traffic, boosting your SEO and landing you on top of the search results.
3. Optimize Your Website
You can’t rely on one marketing tactic alone. If you manage your social media, you need to assist it by ensuring you have a functioning website your customers can refer to. Your website should be user-friendly and easy to use. It should also be relevant to what your consumers want. And more importantly, it should be SEO-friendly.
You can achieve this by making sure you use the right keywords and free SEO tools to optimize your content for search engines. If you sell shoes, your keywords should be about shoes, prices, and affordability. Make sure your content flows with your keyword and not haphazardly.
Don’t forget to compress images and optimize files to prevent them from lagging. Great content would mean nothing if it’s inaccessible.
4. Talk To Your Customers and Network
One of the most crucial marketing activities made extremely easy by social media is direct interaction with your customers. You can do this in multiple ways. You can do a live session over your social media page or address their queries in DMs.
Conduct a webinar or keep large-scale events for them to meet and greet with you. Talking to your customers and inviting them to interact with your products also gives investors a chance to study more about you.
Remember, every successful business needs reliable networking. This allows you to collaborate with other companies and find a place for yourself in their advertisements. It also gives you a chance to access higher funds which can help you streamline your business further.
5. Show Appreciation
Acknowledge your customers when they buy a product from you. This can include sending them a personalized note with a small gift or host a giveaway and giving your most popular customers gifts.
You entice your current customers to buy again or encourage new customers through a simple reward system to be an active participant. This also makes for a helpful review as your company’s generosity and care for their customers will be remembered. You can also keep your clients aware if you’re adding new products or selling through mail interactions.
6. Advertisements
There was a time when TVs were the best way to get customers. You could easily buy a slot in a channel and run your ads. Today, TV is still popular and useful for ads, but you can now incorporate ads through other means.
Social media now comes with an option to run your ads. YouTube can showcase your ads before any video plays if a customer is looking for a specific product. Similar is the case with sponsored ads on Facebook and Instagram.
The best part about these ads is they use a consumer’s data. When you’re aware of what your consumers want, you have a better chance at creating targeted ads instead of generic ones.
7. Don’t Stop Testing
Keep in mind digital marketing needs consistent revision. No matter how well you think your ads are doing, you will need to keep making sure your current tactics are relevant. Go for A/B Testing. Your original design A gets tested against an alternate design B and compares which method rated higher among your consumers.
A/B tests help you see your customer’s perspective and apply the change to your campaign. This change can be something as subtle as changing your heading and getting an influx of users.
Wrap Up
Digital marketing is a valuable asset, and there are numerous ways you can do it. Use your social media to find a place between your customers in their social circles. Attract your customers by using free content. Ensure your website is updated and easy to use across various devices. Talk to your customers over the internet and let them get familiar with your brand.