Pulling an event together from a few hazy ideas can be a lot of fun and extremely rewarding, especially when you can finally see the guests enjoying your efforts, whether it be a corporate event bringing high flying business people together or a big party for a family celebration.
But the event’s success lies ultimately with the planner, and so as that person, you want to be on top of your game, and that is achieved by bringing all your enthusiasm and a little something extra to the planning and coordinating stage. Thankfully there are several clever and innovative ways you can do this.
Get your event on social media
Social media can be helpful at various stages of planning. It is a great way to pull ideas together and bring visual realization to them. It is also a terrific forum for promoting your event with the use of hashtags and videos, helping to spread the word within your target demographic.
Just be sure to choose the appropriate network for your event. A food and music event would be better using the likes of Facebook and Instagram, while a corporate event would be better on the professional focus LinkedIn.
Make use of apps
To tie in nicely with social media, you can choose to use an event planning app. The easiest way to organize an event is to select an app that covers all of your event planning needs in one place, as this will allow you to move seamlessly from one to-do list item to the next. This will also allow you to share information between your team members so that everyone is always on the same page and therefore coordinate with outside suppliers efficiently as well.
The great thing about using an app is that it also cuts down on the physical bulk you need to carry around, as all your paperwork is online and accessible with the touch of a screen.
Remember the small details
Even before your event is finalized and the guests are ready to arrive, it is imperative to keep on top of the small details. If they are pushed to the bottom of the to-do list until the last minute as they’re deemed not necessary, then they won’t get done well, if at all. And as it’s often the little things that people remember, you want them to be remembered in a positive way, not because there weren’t any hand towels in the bathroom.
When we talk about details in the context of an event, we refer to both significant and tiny details that might enhance the overall experience. From the branded pens to gigantic entrance ideas can make a big impact on how guests perceive the event. For example, the way attendees view the event can be greatly influenced by innovative entrance solutions like banners with specific messages, air dancers greeting guests, or inflatable replicas of the event signs or slogan. Custom inflatables for advertising in the shape of air balloons, air dancers, and entrance arches combined with the ideas that businesses can suggest, will guarantee a creative welcoming experience and make a lasting impression on attendees. These details might appear significant, but they can tie together the minor elements and provide visitors with a seamless experience.
Keep an eye on your budget
By minding your budget and managing it effectively, you will ensure that no part of your event is let down due to underfunding. It is okay to get creative with the budget and how supplies are sourced (such as asking for discounts or donations), but something that has been bought cheaply because you ran out of money by the time you came to ordering it is going to stand out like a sore thumb.