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3 Small Business Marketing Hacks That Work

By: Drew Allen


Jumping on the Podcasting Bandwagon

If you own a small business and are still reeling from the effects of the COVID pandemic, there are many ways to stretch your marketing dollars. Many entrepreneurs are rethinking their expenses one month at a time. For many, that means learning a few new tricks about bootstrap marketing.

Call these techniques what you will, they have the potential to help your company extend its reach and bring more customers into the fold without spending a fortune. Remember to experiment with new sales and promotion strategies before committing to them long-term. Try one, some, or all of the following and add power to every dollar you spend.

Be a Guest on Industry Podcasts

One of the fastest growing segments of the worldwide web is podcasting. While there are many of these mini-productions that are based on personal, non-commercial interests, many more are business-related. Your job, find at least a half-dozen podcasts on which you would be a suitable guest. The good news is that it’s an easier task than you think because no matter what your company does, there are hundreds of podcasts out there that focus on it. A general online search with your industry’s key terms is a good starting point. Then, contact the hosts via phone or email phone and make your pitch.

Intent SEO

For smaller organizations, online content is still the king of all sales methods. Without busting the budget, you can add intent SEO to the mix and make all those blog posts, articles, press releases, and social media exchanges more effective. What is intent SEO and how can your company generate new business by using it today? Simply put, it means moving beyond the core concept of search engine optimization and adding keywords that indicate the intention of the customer. An example is saying you sell supplies to coin collectors and employ keywords like “display boxes,” “plastic tubes,” and “holders,” all of which are common parlance for hobbyists.

It’s possible to ramp up the potency of your online content by tagging a few intent-related terms like, “buy,” “review,” and “learn about.” Those three are ways of embellishing your original keywords by bringing the intention of the shoppers into the equation. You can easily use intent SEO to bring traffic and additional revenue to your company. A smart way to jump right in is to review a guide on the topic and learn all the essentials and proven ways to generate more than ever.

Go Offline and Make Personal Contacts

It’s easy to default to online marketing efforts in the digital age. The downside of that kind of thinking is that it ignores the personal, non-digital side of promotion. Dedicate at least two hours per week to working the community. In other words, hand out business cards, special offer coupons, and informational flyers to nearby businesses and homes. Attend community events where you can promote your brand, and connect with local charitable organizations in any way you can. This kind of personalized promotion takes time but costs very little. The major benefit is that its effects are cumulative. Within six months, local folks will know who you are and what you do.

Published: April 20, 2021

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Drew Allen

Drew Allen is a financial enthusiast, seasoned blogger, music and sports fanatic. He enjoys spending time outdoors with his wife and daughter fishing and boating. He is dedicated to his 15+ year career in the banking, mortgage, and personal finance industry.

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