The Ultimate Guide to Starting Your Own Small Business

Starting your own small business can be exciting to think about when you are ready to take your career to the next level. Many people have the entrepreneurial spirit and are ready to launch their own small business. The more information you have about starting your business, the best chance it has for survival. Although…

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Everything You Do Adds or Reduces Company Value

Each decision you make to commit resources—your money or your use of corporate or personal time—affects the future value of your business. Minor decisions, such as replacing employees who have left the company or replacing equipment needing updating, are usually considered operational in nature, and unless the business is changing direction, not relevant to this test.…

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New Business Owner? 5 Things to Look Out For

When starting a new business, there’s a lot of research that needs to be done. You might think you know what to expect but, undoubtedly, the unexpected will come up. The more you prepare, the more ready you’ll be react. To make your venture into self-employment successful, we’ve compiled a list of five things every…

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The ROI of Promotional Product Giveaways

You may have seen them before. As a consumer, you may have been given one and probably even have it still lying around at home—a pen, notebook, tote bag, umbrella, or any such object that bears a company’s name and logo. Sometimes, you may even see them given out as a prize for a first-…

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Relationships Matter—But What Does That Mean?

Andy Paul wrote a terrific piece on relationships (visit TheSalesHouse to get some of his thinking). There is a lot of discussion, pro and con, about the importance of relationships—but little of it drives any clarity about what a relationship is, and why it matters. There are the “old timers,” who view relationships as key, but define…

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Channels to Consider for 2019: Video

We’ve been talking about some of the channels—email, reviews, video, etc.—that I think every organization needs to consider as they build out their 2019 marketing plan based on data that suggests they’re too big to ignore. Back when I started my marketing career 30+ years ago, video was a very different beast than it is…

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S Corporation Business Structures Many Considerations

The S corporation business structure offers many advantages, including limited liability for owners and no double taxation (at least at the federal level). But not all businesses are eligible – and, with the new 21% flat income tax rate that now applies to C corporations, S corps may not be quite as attractive as they…

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Influencing the Next Generation of B2B Buyers

Millennials might still seem like children to some. However, they are taking the labor market by storm. In fact, in just three years, Millennials will make up over 35% of the workforce. So, you need to shatter the image of them being the awkward kids just entering their adulthood. Sorry, but Millennials are coming and…

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GMB Questions & Answers: Most Underused Feature?

GMB Questions and Answers first started appearing on Google my Business back in August 2017. Initially only available on android devices, it later rolled out across all devices in early 2018. The feature allows consumers to ask questions such as: Does this restaurant offer gluten free options? How long is a consultation? How long does…

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Get Ready for These Financial Trends of the Future

As a small business owner in the e-commerce or brick-and-mortar retail sector, a substantial part of your success will depend on your ability to assimilate industry trends and adapt to changes in the market. To understand why you should stay on top of financial and market trends, consider the diametrically opposed fates of Sears and…

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