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3 Ways Online Trading Can Be a Viable Source of Income

By: Zak Goldberg


Ways Online Trading Can Be a Viable Source of Income

Apart from an expected surge of optimism in Scotland, business confidence in the UK has declined over the course of 2017’s first quarter. This is likely to be a long-term trend in the current climate, as entrepreneurs wait patiently for Brexit negotiations and strive to understand the type of deal that the UK will receive as an independent nation.

While this level of sentiment may discourage some entrepreneurs from investing heavily in their ventures, others will simply seek out more inventive ways of raising funds. Interestingly, one of the best examples of this is to trade on the financial markets, as this creates a personal (and additional) source of wealth that can be reinvested into business ventures.

Why is Forex Trading Such a Viable Source of Income for SME Owners?

The question that remains, of course, is why financial trading remains such a viable option for entrepreneurs and particularly SME owners? Consider the following:

It Offers You Access to a Diverse Array of Markets

Knowledge equates to power in the financial marketplace, so it is important that you deal in assets and sectors that have expertise in where possible. This suits entrepreneurs down to the ground, as they can leverage their own areas of knowledge and operation to pursue relevant and potentially lucrative investment vehicles.

The emergence of online trading platforms like ETX Capital also helps in this regard, as these platforms provide instant and seamless to multiple assets from a single interface. So, you can instantly select one or more markets that you feel comfortable with, helping you to create a tailored and diversified portfolio that optimises your chances of success.

Build a Source of Wealth That is Separate to the Business

As a general rule, entrepreneurs hate building up debt levels within their business, even when using progressive vehicles such as equity crowdfunding. By trading the financial markets successfully, however, SME owners can build a personal store of wealth that can be kept entirely separate to their business.

This not only minimizes the level of debt associated with your business, but it also affords you the freedom to determine how you reinvest the money that you earn.

It also negates the need to sacrifice equity and invite outsiders into your businesses infrastructure, which can prove crucial for small ventures that have yet to achieve their full potential.

Learn More About Your Own Market and Industry

If you flip the notion of financial market trading on its head, you begin to see that it can also serve as a tremendous learning exercise for SME owners. More specifically, they can gain genuine insight into their specific market and industry over time, while determining precisely how macroeconomic trends influence both their trades and the performance of their business.

This type of education not only helps to create more efficient and profitable trades, but it also lays a foundation of knowledge from which you can become a more successful entrepreneur. It may even influence the nature and timing of your strategy decisions, particularly those that relate to pricing, marketing and distribution.

Published: April 26, 2017

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Zak Goldberg

Zak Goldberg is a Law & Business Graduate from the University of Leeds and has chosen to follow his aspiration of becoming a publish author, offering expert advice and commentary of all areas of law and business economics.

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