Working with Lenders

Business Loans and Other Funding Options

If you conclude that your business needs more capital to sustain operations and fuel future growth, you have a wide range of options. There are traditional bank loans, but there are also many alternatives with different costs, terms, impacts on your credit rating, and application processes.

What Do Lenders Look At When Evaluating My Loan Application?

When you’re applying for a loan, it helps to think like a lender. That will make the application process simpler, give you a realistic view of your own chances of getting the funding you want, and help you identify steps that will make your business more lender-friendly.

Warning Signs of a Bad Lender

How do you know if the potential lender you’ve found is a credible opportunity? Finding the right lender is a great boon to a business, but a bad lender is the fast path to a very painful learning experience. There are some simple warning signs to look for to identify a bad lender.

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