Tim Maliyil

Tim Maliyil is the CEO and Data Security Architect for AlertBoot. AlertBoot protects customers from data breaches that damage their credibility, reputation, and business. The company’s managed full disk encryption, email encryption services, and mobile security services deploy within minutes to customers’ PCs, smartphones, and tablets, providing tremendous insight, visibility, and control.


7 Tested Tips to Keep Your Company’s Data Secure

It seemed like everyone I knew got a new credit card last year, and it wasn’t because of great introductory offers or frequent flyer miles. Instead, they were issued a fresh card after the onslaught of security hacking scandals in 2013.

How to Recognize You’ve Outgrown an Industry (And What to Do Next)

If your industry has been shifting or you’re uncertain how your company can grow, don’t assume you’ve failed. You may have simply outgrown that industry and need to pursue another, or you may need to change your business model.