Home > Run and Grow > 3 Immediate Steps To Take After Water Damage To Your Business or House

3 Immediate Steps To Take After Water Damage To Your Business or House

building with water damage

Dealing with water damage to your property can be an incredibly stressful and heartbreaking experience, especially if your property gets seriously damaged. On average, 14,000 homes in the U.S. are affected by water damage. Whether it’s due to a flood, leaky pipes, or other sources, you need to act quickly to minimize the damage and restore your building to its pre-damage condition.

But it’s never as simple as that. You will have to document the damages and file a claim with your insurance company, which can be a daunting task without the proper guidance.

In this post, we share practical tips you can employ when faced with a water damage situation. Just follow these instructions, and you will be well on your way to successfully managing and recovering from the water damage incident.

Shut Off the Water Supply and Prevent Further Damage

First and foremost, locate the main water valve and shut it off to prevent further damage. If you’re unsure where it is, call your landlord, check around your property, or ask a neighbor if they know. Bear in mind that water can cause irreparable damage to your furniture and belongings. Hastily move your items to a dry area, such as a garage or a dry room, to prevent further damage.

Once that is done, it’s important to act quickly and take photos of the damage to provide documentation for your insurance claim. Insurance companies are notorious for being thorough and meticulous when reviewing claims, so having clear evidence of the damage will help streamline the process and increase your chances of a successful claim. And at this point, you should contact a restoration service that can help you outline a plan for repairing your home.

Submit an Insurance Claim

Once your property is safe and the water supply is off, your next step is filing an insurance claim. Contact your insurance provider at your earliest convenience to inform them about the water damage and initiate the claims procedure. Provide them with all the essential details and supporting documents, such as photographs of the affected areas. The insurance evaluator will then examine the extent of the damage and establish the scope of coverage for repair work.

On that note, it’s not uncommon to run into challenges when dealing with an insurance company. When encountering challenges with your insurance company or feeling that their proposed compensation is unfair, even after presenting them with solid evidence, it might be beneficial to consider employing the services of a public adjusting company specializing in assisting individuals in obtaining the appropriate claims they deserve. Public adjusters are experts who can assist you in negotiating with your insurer to secure the most favorable settlement possible.

Additionally, they can guide you through the documentation process and offer valuable insights regarding the damage assessment and required repair work. It’s important to note that public adjusters usually charge a percentage of the insurance payout as their fee, so make sure to clarify their rates before employing their services.

Essential Steps for Effective Post-Water Damage Recovery

Once the insurance claims have been resolved, it’s crucial to focus on restoration and prevention. For instance, mold growth can become a stubborn problem after water damage. Clean the impacted areas using a mixture of bleach and water or specific mold removal products and adequately ventilate all rooms to deter mold development.

While it’s definitely a bad experience, you can still learn from it and implement preventive measures to avoid future water damage. You can start by regularly inspecting your pipes for leaks, maintaining your roof and gutters, and making sure that your home is well-prepared to withstand heavy rainfall and potential flooding situations.

Bottom Line

Experiencing water damage in your home can be distressing, but it’s crucial to act quickly to mitigate the damage and return your home to its original state. Follow the practical advice in this article for handling a water damage scenario, including turning off the water supply, documenting the damage, filing an insurance claim, and considering a public adjuster if necessary.

Furthermore, consider the significance of post-water damage recovery efforts, like addressing mold issues and adopting preventive measures to avert future damage. By adhering to these guidelines, you can efficiently manage and bounce back from water damage events while safeguarding your home.

Published: May 17, 2023

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