If your laptop seems to be breaking down earlier than it should, your habits may be to blame. Fortunately, it’s never too late to start deploying a surge protector or using the right kind of computer screen cleaning kit. Since your electronic buddy makes your life easier, why don’t you pay it back the same way by breaking those bad habits that shorten its lifespan?
What Are the Bad Habits that Can Slowly Kill Your Laptop?
- Neglecting To Deploy a Surge Protector
As you keep your laptop plugged into your home’s power supply, it consistently encounters power bumps that can range between small and huge. Every time you switch on or off other electrical appliances in your home, you trigger a power surge that affects your laptop’s circuits.
Keep in mind that the older your laptop is, the higher the risk of an electrical accident. If you’re not willing to replace your device, be sure to deploy a surge protector.
- Connecting Your Laptop To the Power Supply the Wrong Way
Do you plug your charger into an outlet without first connecting the other end to your laptop? If you think that this seemingly insignificant thing won’t eventually lead your device to an early demise, think again.
Unless you change your ways, this bad habit can cause the power supply to burn out and kill the motherboard. It’s best to connect your laptop to the charger before plugging into the outlet and turning the device on.
- Keeping Your Laptop On for Long Hours
Not giving your laptop breaks between long working hours is a slippery slope to tread. Don’t be surprised if its systems eventually tire out and it drops its performance. The next time you work long hours, start treating your device right by restarting it over and over again.
- Forgetting to Shut Your Laptop Down
Your laptop needs to sleep as humans do. While it needs small restarts to keep its performance up within work hours, it also needs complete shutdowns. If you want to reduce the risk of short-circuits, allow it to boot up at the end of the day.
- Neglecting To Sort Your Laptop’s Startup Programs
As you turn on or restart your laptop, it’ll show you the welcome message. While it’s taking its time to fully turn on, try not to be impatient. Your impatience will give your device too much pressure that it won’t be able to handle.
Before you know it, your operating system will freeze and your data will become distorted. If it takes more than just a few minutes for it to work, you may want to check if its list of startup programs needs some sorting.
- Allowing Your Laptop To Get Too Hot
Since heat is your laptop’s worst enemy, leaving it on plush surfaces will block the fan vents and cause it to overheat. To keep your device cool, be sure to place it on a flat and firm surface. You can also purchase an additional cooling system that comes with a special stand and some built-in fans to keep it quiet and extend its lifespan.
- Exposing Your Laptop’s Screen To Direct Sunlight
Your laptop doesn’t love the sun as much as you do. Besides killing its display, exposing your device to the sun’s rays will also cause your laptop to overheat. For this reason, avoid keeping your gadgets close to the window or in direct sunlight.
- Cleaning Your Laptop’s Screen the Wrong Way
Don’t even think about reaching for paper towels and a multipurpose surface spray to get rid of the smudges on your laptop’s screen. You’ll only end up causing serious damage to its anti-reflective coating. Unless you’re willing to say goodbye to a clear and scratch-free display, it’s best to use a computer screen cleaning kit.
Adopt Healthy Device-Care Habits Today
If you want to get the most out of your electronic device, muster up the courage to break your bad habits that destroy it slowly but surely!