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Use Text Marketing to Get Elected… Even if You’re Not Running for President

By: Brian Mikes


Amazing Benefits of SMS Marketing

We sat down and talked with a couple of Betwext users who are using texting for different types of elections.

SMS Marketing is inexpensive, easy to use and incredibly effective!

That’s why it’s so great for elections!

How to Use Text Messaging to Get Elected

No wonder it’s being used on the national and local stages!  Politics… you either love it or hate it.  But one thing is for sure. You cannot get away from it, it is everywhere! ‘Tis the season… right?!

Shannon is in the Greater Tahoe area in Northern California and they are using text messaging to communicate with their fellow HOA (Homeowners Association) members.

Believe it or not, the HOA is using texting for a local HOA board election!

In addition to regular outreach, Shannon knows the secret to a successful campaign is to keep all messages short and to the point.

People are always busy and appreciate brevity.

Copy of SMS Marketing is Cheap, Easy to Use, and Incredibly Effective!_2

Another secret to solid text marketing results is to use a strong Call to Action (CTA).  Calls to Action are all about telling your voters/customers what to do next.

Trust me, use a CTA every single time and your texting results will skyrocket!

Shannon plans to send her text messages with a link.  The link goes right to the online voting website.  That way all HOA members know right where to go to vote!

Talk about easy!  A simple message: “Vote for me.  Here’s why!  Now click the link to go to the website and VOTE!”  It’s like shooting fish in a barrel.

Before signing up for Betwext.com Shannon and her team would use personal cell phones to text everyone.  Volunteers who would use their personal cells and take a few hundred numbers each to  send group messages.

What a pain!

Imagine the hours spent texting over and over again.

A Call To Action is What You Want Your Customer To DO Next

Believe it or not, even with all the help, they still only reached about 80% of the HOA members.

Now with texts they reach 100% of their HOA members.  (At least everyone who has agreed to get a text message!)

Remember, NEVER text anyone who has not given you prior permission!

Consider this: If you’re not texting your supporters, what happens when your competition does?

Sending out text messages isn’t hard, complicated or expensive. There is no excuse NOT to start texting today! 

While Shannon and the HOA were fascinating to talk to, we also had the opportunity to talk with an up-and-coming politician!

We spoke to Andre Rajoo who is running for local Palm Beach County Jupiter Inlet District Commissioner in Florida.

What’s amazing here… Andre is the YOUNGEST candidate running in this election.

Now here’s a cool data point…  Andre, opened his Betwext.com account, uploaded his list and sent out his first text message campaign in less than 15 minutes!

From sign up to first send in just 15 minutes… WOW!

We were highly impressed with the speed of this new user and wanted to dig into how he accomplished his first send so quickly!

Andre said, “I found the system simple to use and very user friendly.”  We couldn’t agree more!

His favorite feature is the IM Responses.  

“I really like the IM Responses, I can see everything from each person all nice and organized!”  It’s just like Instant Messaging on your computer!

This helps with his voter communication.  He can answer their questions, and is able to respond quickly.

What’s rare for a rising star… Andre gives everyone his personal mobile  phone number.   If they have questions they can call him and get their questions answered.

He knows the importance of communication.  He knows you can turn many people into supporters  with listening and good communication.

Using SMS Marketing for political campaigns is a smart decision.  You can send messages and know your supporters will read them – unlike the uncertainty of email.  If you really want to communicate with your supporters… or if you’re a business and want to communicate with your prospects and customers…  start Mobile Marketing with SMS.

Remember, text messages have over a 90% read rate.  No other form of marketing comes close.

From local city elections to HOA board elections, text message marketing is a very useful tool.

What can the power of Text Marketing do for you and your business?

Note: all case study participants received texting credit for their time.

Published: September 8, 2020

Source: Betwext

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Brian Mikes

Brian Mikes runs marketing at Betwext.com. Betwext provides a software platform so small businesses can better communicate with their prospects and customers through Mobile Marketing by sending individual and group text messages. You Can Start Mobile Marketing today—with $10 and 10 minutes you can be on the path to mobile marketing success! If you're looking for more information on mobile marketing, download our free guide: The Ultimate Guide To Mobile Marketing For Small Businesses.

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