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Working With Niche Markets? 6 Best Ways to Do SEO

By: Riya Sander


Research has it that unique audiences are the hardest to find. In fact a recent study showed that niche markets occupy only an eighth of the size of major consumer industries. This however should not dim your ambitions because this article entails how to effectively use SEO for niche markets. Reaching your specific target audience is always the toughest hurdle and here is where many niche market businesses fall, however, the internet came along and changed this entire scenario. It can generate targeted ads and provide you with a strong stance on social media.

Here are just some of the essential steps you could encompass in your strategy.

Research your industry’s general search volume

The very first thing you should do is a thorough check on the search volume on terms related to your industry. The trickiest part is always coming up with a keyword that will rank in many search engines and this may prove to be an uphill task. So an easy way to come up with a phrase is to go through search volume of your keywords.

There are quite some ways you can check the search volume of keywords, top of the list being Google Keywords Planner. It is a remarkable tool to research on historical data of phrases and terms.

Second up is Keywords Everywhere, which is a Google Chrome extension. This is also a good tool that displays related keywords, search volume and much more valuable information that comes in pretty handy.

The third option is SEMrush’s Keyword Overview that facilitates you with a window to plug in your website and here you get to see what terms you rank for.

Research your Keywords

This is the most crucial part of SEO for niche markets. It is a good tool that enhances your understanding on how potential clients search and look for your products. After understanding how clients look for you, you can optimize your website to suit their requirements.

This also has an added advantage; it ensures your site outranks your competitors making it even easier for clients to find you.

Another tip is to shift the focus entirely to the intent of your terms. If you are in the business of selling goods and services you can incorporate the terms ‘buy’, ‘sale’ or even ‘deals’ solely dependent on your target market. The right keywords are everything.

Include Keywords on Your Website

This should only happen after you define your set of keywords crystal clearly. However, keywords are inserted naturally in various sections of your article that you will publish on your blog. This is to increase chances of ranking. Here are some of the places you can insert them:

  • Page title

This is definitely the most important part to insert a keyword, because Google looks here first

  • Meta description

This is not a compulsory part to insert keywords, but it can go a long way in influencing clicks. It is a text displayed right under the page title.

  • The body

Here, you have the opportunity to insert many versatile aspects of your keywords. Make them as diverse as possible and do not staff too many of them in a single sentence, this can work against you.

  • Header tags

This has to serve the most essential part to insert keywords.

  • URL

This is a popular tactic that has over the years proven to be all things effective. Adding a primary keyword here will optimize your site to be a step closer to finding your target audience.

Generate spectacular content

This particular step has to cut across the board, whether your website is niche or mainstream. Great content remains to be a crucial element of SEO. Sages have it that a happy customer comes back with a friend, so if you can create original and high quality content you will definitely have high traffic and even higher rankings. Make your content simple and understandable by people of all backgrounds; also drive more focus on keyword oriented header tags.

Additionally, get into the details. Do a broad research and unearth all angles and aspects of a topic to publish on your site. This will serve to inform your readers and it will prove to Google that you are an authoritative source within your niche market. Lastly, be relevant and Google will work the magic for you.

Do technical SEO

This is a simple aspect. Technical SEO refers to functionality and usability of your site for any niche business to shift its attention to. It encompasses a host of elements that include:

  • XML sitemap
  • Mobile friendliness
  • Page speed

These are crucial aspects that enable you to manage your site traffic drawn from the optimized content. Additionally, you can set up tracking for the site to ascertain its progress; some tools for tracking include Google Search Console and Google Analytics.

Here are some of the areas to start on while initiating technical SEO:

  • Mobile friendliness

With the surge in using smartphones, people used to surf through the net. Mobile traffic is renting the search engine airwaves. You can use a responsive design to favor smartphones in your site; this will serve to accommodate different screen sizes.

  • Website security

This is a very important aspect of SEO for niche markets–use SSL certificates to secure your site. They protect customer data from third parties. If you have multiple sites and their subdomains that need security and ranking, you can use a service like the Comodo wildcard SSL and others to cover all of them with a single certificate.

  • Site audit

This will give you data on almost everything about your website from broken pages to Meta data issues. Screaming Frog is a good place to start.

Build a reliable link profile

Ensuring your website does not harbor any spammy links is a good sign of effective SEO for niche markets. You can use Google Search Console to ascertain your link profile is sparkling clean before coming up with new links to your site.


SEO for niche markets can work wonders for you especially in finding your specific market. Properly optimizing your site by regarding the above steps will definitely help you out in this quest. Try it out today!

Published: July 1, 2020

Riya Sander

Riya Sander

Riya Sander is a Digital Strategist, with 5+ years of experience in the field of Internet Marketing. She is a social media geek, a complete foodie and enjoys trying varied cuisines. A perfect day for her consists of reading her favorite author with a hot cuppa coffee.

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