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4 Ways To Train Employees On New Software

By: Aaron Lee


Essentials of Successful Software Development

Business owners and managers are scrambling to digitize their operations and equip their workforce with the tech literacy they need to thrive during Covid-19 and beyond. But many are stumbling or failing outright when it comes to introducing new software to their workers. Thanks to shoddy introduction strategies, a failure to follow up on initial training, or a lackluster initial investment, many businesses are wasting cash. They’re failing to properly implement new digital software into their daily operations.

You can train your employees to successfully use new software. Following are the basic tech literacy skills you’ll need to imbue within them. Here also are some common missteps you should learn to avoid when it comes to introducing a new software to your work environment.

The business world is going digital

It’s indisputable that the business world is going digital at a staggeringly rapid pace – IT spending is set to continue surging upwards this year, and will likely continue to grow in the immediate future. A direct result in this explosion in IT spending is that more companies are introducing new software to their operations in hopes of maximizing efficacy while minimizing the cost of doing business. If you don’t approach the introduction of a new software into your business’ operations with utmost sincerity, however, your employees will soon find themselves struggling to comprehend a strange and unfamiliar program.

If you want to avoid the calamity of spending a huge sum of your company’s capital on a software program only to see it shunned thanks to a poor implementation or training regime, then consider following these steps. First and foremost, you’ll want to invest extensively in the basic tech literacy of your workforce. You may feel confident that your employees are tech-savvy enough already, but the truth of the matter is that modern businesses need to constantly be investing in upskilling their employee’s tech prowess if they want to remain viable in the market.

That’s because the nature of modern technology and most of the HVAC software you’ll be looking to introduce into your business are ever-changing. You may think the previous bouts of tech-based training you put your workforce through is sufficient enough, but much of the software and digital literacy tips your employees are familiar with will be obsolete in but a few years’ time. Introducing new software successfully means making sure every team member is on board, and that you’re not rushing what should be a slow and careful process.

The adoption of a new business software will be greatly expedited if you enlist the help of your IT team, and appoint specific managers or tech gurus on your staff as teachers who can help instruct other employees who may be struggling. Traditional corporate hierarchies can be shunned here; if a low-level employee is thriving on a new piece of software, don’t be afraid to approach them about teaching some of their higher ups or more advanced coworkers.

Not everyone will thrive

It’s important to understand that not all of your team members are going to thrive when it comes to using a new piece of software. Some programs are easier to understand than others, and certain employees will just be more familiar with and comfortable using disparate software. This is why experimentation is important – you may want to consider rolling out a new software in increments, or give it to a few employees first so that they can master it early and help others later on.

If you really want your employees to become pros with the new software you’re investing in, you’ll need to use it regularly and master if yourself. Workers take hints from business managers, owners, and others who are in charge – if you’re not leading by example, why should they actually think this new software is important? Additionally, managers or business owners who master new software themselves will find it easier to tutor their underlings when it comes to dispersing the update to the entire workforce.

Never rush the rollout of a new software; while it’s imperative that you’re constantly updating your operations, and bringing in the right tools your workers need to succeed, you can spoil your ongoing operations by making a sudden pivot to a new software that too many of your team members are unfamiliar with. Gradual implementation and slow, experimental periods are a must for the proper implantation of new software into a business.

Some 63 percent of managers claim the pace of tech change in their organizations is too slow, but you can blow it all by rushing headfirst into a new software. Take your time, invest properly, and involve your entire team from the get-go, and you’ll soon find that your employees are adapting to the new software you intend to introduce into your business in no time.

Published: April 6, 2020

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Aaron Lee

Aaron Lee is a serial entrepreneur, investor and philanthropist. Since the age of 17, he has started and sold five businesses before creating Dash Serviced Suites--Hong Kong’s fastest growing asset-light, tech-enabled, serviced apartment community operating over 100 apartments. Aaron focuses on investing in technology to build industry disrupting startups.

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