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6 Online Tools to Help Your Business Grow

By: SmallBizClub


Online Tools to Help Your Business Grow

Growing your business is a marathon without an end, which means you and your employees should constantly strive toward excellence. This isn’t simple to do, but it’s still necessary if you want to constantly become more successful and if your goal is for your business to expand.

There are many ways to work on growing your business and one of them is to fully exploit the riches of the World Wide Web. Taking advantage of online tools to advance your business is definitely something you should constantly research and add what you believe could really benefit the overall functionality, productivity and speediness of your employees and yourself. We’ll talk about six tools in this article that could make all the difference for how you’re conducting your business.


Trello is one of the most useful business apps around and thousands of experts in different areas of business gladly confirmed it. This app behaves like an online vision board for managing your projects, no matter their size. There’s really no need to have papers flying around in panic when you’ve got a due date on a certain project, you can have it all neatly stacked in Trello thanks to checklists, file attachments, comment sections, labels and much more. You can select how many people can see and participate in your project and add them to do their part of simply comment and give ideas. Wonderful thing about this app is that everything stays on it as long as you want it to, and no inspiring thought or draft is ever lost. What’s more, Trello actually works in real time, so you can see changes as someone in the team makes them.


If your business closely connected with sales, then Infusionsoft will do wonders for your employees’ productivity. This sales software has the backup of some great names like Forbes and Entrepreneur, who have already written good reviews about it and if you don’t believe that, then believe over 125,000 users of the app. Online shopping will be infinitely improved, software will save you plenty of time by taking away the need of smaller tasks and there are many other options to check out.

Protect Your Privacy with VPN

There are many VPN (virtual private networks) services you can choose from, available all over the web, though picking one for your business isn’t always easy. VPNs are made to make sure that your privacy is at all times intact, so that no one can track your internet activities and transactions. Small businesses are the most frequent target of hackers and cybercriminals, and damage from the cyber security breach can be catastrophic and very costly. VPN is there to encrypt all the data coming from your business devices and mask IP addresses, so that surveillance just can’t apply to your business. By running a VPN, you protect all confidential data of your business, your employees and your clients that put their trust in you. While no one can put a price on safety, having a VPN doesn’t have to cost a fortune, on the contrary, it’s actually quite affordable if you choose your provider wisely.

Click here to read more VPN reviews and news


Speaking of internet security, how good are you with remembering your passwords? It is paramount for any growing business to have secure and strong passwords for all running accounts online, which isn’t easy to manage. LastPass website will not only help you keep all the passwords in check, but it will also enable you to have stronger passwords, which are very hard to crack. The app will also manage your login details, which is a nice additional perk to get your security to the next level.


When you’re in need of a creative solution and you simply don’t have any inspiration, you can turn to 99designs. This platform was made for anyone looking for a designer of a logo or any similar art project and it works wonders. There are over 800,000 designers on the platform and all you have to do is set up a contest with the topic for which you need designer’s hand and watch as solutions start rolling in.


If you’ve got employees working remotely or you need an easy and quick way to give out assignments, Asana is one of the great tools to help you in this. You can create tasks very simply and efficiently, set up due dates and once your employees have finished them, they will simply upload them to their Asana profile. Very simple, very quick and most importantly, very productive.

Doing what’s best for your business will require time and practice to perfect, but once you do, everything will be different. Just remember that sometimes you’ll have growing pains and it won’t all go smoothly, but remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Thomas MilvaAuthor: Even though he’s born on American soil, Thomas Milva has Italian blood in his veins, which can be easily deduced from his last name. He is very good at his job of Information Security Analyst and he really loves doing it. What’s more, his understanding of the job granted him the title of a writer for wefollowtech.com. He enjoys spending time in the fresh air, usually with his dog and his girlfriend.

Published: January 20, 2017

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