Expand Your Cake Business: From Home Baking to Retail Success

Young female confectioner with sweets in kitchen

Starting a cake business from home is an exciting and rewarding endeavor. Many bakers begin by selling to neighbors, friends, or family, testing their skills and building a loyal customer base. But what if you want to take your cake business to the next level? Transitioning from home-based sales to a retail shop or expanding…

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Things No One Tells You About Owning a Retail Store

a retail store employee smiling and accepting payment from a happy customer

The idea of curating your own space, connecting with customers, and being the visionary behind your brand is exciting, to say the least. However, you must acknowledge the unspoken realities of the retail world that may affect your operation. Take a behind-the-scenes look at the industry by reviewing the things no one tells you about…

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Make Small Items Stand Out in Your Retail Store

Does your retail store have trouble selling small products and accessories? Due to their smaller stature, these products can be more difficult to get customers to notice on your shelves. Many customers walk right by small items without paying them any mind. Credit: https://stock.adobe.com/images/interior-of-shopping-mall/143629503 Here are some useful tips to help small items stand out…

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