What is Happening to Loyalty?

In difficult economic times price becomes a significant variable. However, customers know value and understand the implications of good customer service versus poor customer service.
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What is Deal Loyalty?

True loyalty programs are built on the basis of establishing a long-term positive relationship between the company and the customer and is not accomplished with a single “deal” or even multiple “deals.”
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Loyalty is not Black and White

There have been a number of articles written regarding loyalty as if it were a black-and-white topic. The authors have made loyalty appear to be a term something like pregnancy. You’re either pregnant or you’re not.
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What Makes a Sticky Customer?

There has been some interesting research completed recently which needs to be reported. One of the key findings was that the most important factor in getting customers to return to your site or company or business was identified as “decision simplicity.”
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What About the Customers in the Middle?

There is a general rule in the market that customers will generally only offer feedback when they either have a really bad experience or great one. If you believe that customers rarely say a word when their experience falls somewhere in the middle you are missing some valuable information.
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