Why Your Company Should Use Motivational Speakers

Motivation is an essential ingredient in any workplace. A motivated employee is likely to be happy and will certainly be more focused and productive. The issue that every employee must decide is how best to motivate your employees. Some will respond well to salary increases or better job titles but this can also cause issues…

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Sir Sidney Poitier’s Inspiring Advice

If your heart is burning to share your message, talents or gifts, and you, too, are determined to work at your craft with gusto, you can call yourself whatever you choose. Now, your task is working towards that goal.
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The Secret to Productivity, In One Sentence

The great Bud Grant, my football coach with the Minnesota Vikings, never made motivational talks before the game. He always said to me, “Well, if I have to go and motivate you before the game, and you need me to make a pep talk, then you’re in the wrong profession.” And that made sense to me.
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3 Ways Leaders Can Provide Consistent Motivation

The first step in motivating a faltering individual is identifying the reason for the changed behavior. While it’s tempting to attribute the issue to boredom or laziness, there’s very likely a more significant problem.
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