Is Your Website Eco-Friendly?

Bike to work. Recycle. Take shorter showers. As individuals, we are constantly bombarded with messages like these that encourage us to “Go Green.” Now, web designers are being urged to join the cause.
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Taming the Big Data Beast

It’s the 21st century and we are all glued to our phones. Between Facebooking, tweeting, and emailing, we generate 2.5 quintillion bytes of data daily. Because of this, consumers are forcing companies to perform in new and innovative ways. And with that comes big data.
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Cost-Saving and Efficiency Tips for Small Business

For a small business, budget and resources are often limited, and organizational costs can take a huge portion of capital. Many costs will be incurred during the initial stage of the business and the return on investment could take several months to almost a year, so it is best to learn a few tricks to save money by minimizing expenses.
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How to Make Your Small Business More Efficient

In an economic climate where a small business may require a massive investment of capital in order to get off of the ground, being able to cut the costs of operations can be a major source of assistance to productivity as well as staying in the black.
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Is Your Customer Service Too Well Done?

Don’t let ease of process ever overrule a customized service experience in your business. Today’s consumers want service their way in the channel of their choice! What are the choices available to your consumers and how are they presented?
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